- Delete as inappropriate. 请删去不适用的
- Please debit my Mastercard/Visa/American Express card (delete as appropriate). 请在我的万事达/维萨/美国运通信用卡账户中扣除(删除不适用者)。
- In many countries there are elaborate patterns of eye avoidance which we regard as inappropriate. 而在许多国家,却有我们认为不适当的各式各样的目光回避。
- It would be as inappropriate as the farmer questioning the soil about its fruitfulness. 正如农民对土地质疑其丰饶一般极不妥当。
- I recommend or do not recommend (delete as appropriate) this applicant for the Scholarship. 我建议/不建议(删除不适用者)向申请人颁发奖学金。
- In the ring he may exhibit reserve or lack of enthusiasm, but any sign of shyness is unacceptable and must be severely faulted as inappropriate for a guardian breed. 门铃响的时候,它可能表现得深沉和缺乏热情,但是作为守护犬任何害羞的表现都是不可接受的也是严重不合格的。
- In the Comments SubPanel you can edit and delete as well as mark comments as spam. 在评论子面板中,你可以编辑和删除并且标记垃圾广告的评论。
- Function, however, will mark them as deleted as mentioned above. 函数将象上面所说的那样把它们标记为已删除。
- The job will not be deleted as a result of the repeated executions. 这项工作将不会删除,由于一再处决。
- When some witnesses compared themselves to victims of genocide, some congressmen rejected the comments as inappropriate. 当一些证人将自己对比于种族灭绝的牺牲者时,一些国会议员则表示拒绝对这种不恰当的对比做出评论。
- When you delete this table all corresponding relations will be deleted as well. Continue? 如果删除这个表格,也就会一起删除相应的关系。要继续吗?
- The Russian envoy to the EU Vladimir Chizhov described the postponement of talks as inappropriate but he said he was not inclined to overdramatize it. 俄罗斯驻欧盟大使齐若夫认为会谈的延期是不妥的,但他称不会夸大此事件。
- The code section titled Helpers contains the GetResourceText method, which you do not need and can delete as you follow the steps in this article. 标题为“帮助程序”的代码部分包含GetResourceText方法,您不需要此方法,可以按照本文中的步骤加以删除。
- Despite the president's not offering direct criticism, Premier Su Tseng-chang and DPP Chairman Yu Shyi-kun were united in slamming what they saw as inappropriate behavior. 总统轻松面对,但是全程参加国庆典礼的行政院长苏贞昌跟民进党主席游锡坤吞不下这口气,炮口一致,痛批国亲两党。
- They denounced him to the police as a criminal. 他们向警方告发他是罪犯。
- You can keep my book as long as you like. 我的书你要借多久都随你的便。
- I gave him money as an inducement to leave. 我给他钱,诱使他离去。
- Often they would be harangued incessantly with exhortations to commit vile acts, such as inappropriate sexual behaviors from homosexual assaults to heterosexual rape and pedophilic acts. 经常性的他们被不间断的指责干了卑鄙的事,比如不适当的性行为从同性恋攻击到异性强奸和恋童癖行为。
- As a matter of fact, I've never been there before. 事实上我从未到过那儿。