- Coronal gingiva 牙冠龈
- Sagittal and coronal T1 WI were most informative. 矢状和冠状面T1加权像最为有效。
- The green coronal line above sunspot group of No. 5629 of 5 Agu. 我们观测了1989年8月5日博尔德编号5629号黑子群上方的、具有激发连续谱和明亮节点的绿日冕光谱线。
- Drawing( coronal view) shows the locations of duodenal fossae. 箭头表示疝囊疝入这些隐窝的方向。
- Two coronal cells are attached to the zona pellicuda. 两个红色冠细胞粘贴在透明带状物上。
- The involved mucose was mainly on the cheek, tongue, lip and gingiva. 虽发生率高,但只要仔细观察、有效护理,是可以降低口腔粘膜炎发生程度的。
- The junction of the sagittal and coronal sutures at the top of the skull. 前囟头盖骨顶部矢状和冠状缝合处的接合处
- Gingiva, chin, lip, check and mandible are the most commonly injuried sites. 下颌骨骨折最常见。 软组织伤多见于龈、颏、唇、颊。
- Patient position: axial coronal and oblique sagittal, supine, prone. 扫描方位:横轴位(Axial)、冠状位(Coronal)、矢状斜位(ObliqueSagittal)和横轴俯卧位(prone)等。
- We will describe a rare case of primary adenocarcinoma of rectum with metastasis to the gingiva of the mouth. 本文报告一位由直肠腺癌转移至齿龈的罕见病例。
- Methods:Coronal CT f ilms of 70 patients with sinusitis were studied. 方法:收集经CT冠状面扫描发现的慢性副鼻窦炎70例。
- A coronal section of a human brain is stained with hematoxylin and eosin. 人脑冠部经过苏木精和曙红染色。
- The reported lesions were located in cheek masseter muscle, parotid gland, upper neck, upper gingiva and body of mandibular. 具报告的损害位于.;脸颊;肌肉、耳下腺腺、上面的脖子、上面的齿龈和身体的下颚骨。
- Gingiva, warts and remaining from wound debridements may be disposed off as domestic waste. 牙龈、和清创手术残留物可做生活垃圾处理。生物垃圾必须分类放入经批准的包装袋内。
- To grasp histopathological feature of marginal gingivitis and gingiva hyperplasia. 了解边缘性龈炎及龈增生的组织病理特点。
- The majority of reported SOTs occurred centrally in the jawbone.Only 2 cases were located peripherally on the gingiva. 大部分之鳞状齿源性肿瘤发生于颚骨中,文献中只有二例发生于牙龈。
- Methods Gingiva of 35 patients adding up to 55 teeth were excised to attain esthetics with electrotome. 方法:通过对35名患者(55颗)需要冠修复的患牙进行高频电刀切龈手术,观察1年内其美学效果及牙周情况。
- Image 3: Coronal scan showing large dilated bowel protruding outside the abdominal cavity with debris inside. 图3:冠状面扫查显示巨大的扩张的肠管突出到腹腔外,其内可见碎屑回声。
- AIM:To observe the distribution of NK cells in gingiva of elderly patients with periodontitis. 目的:观察老年牙周炎牙龈组织中自然杀伤(NK)细胞的分布。
- AIM:To observe the distribution of NK ce lls in gingiva of elderly patients with periodontitis. 目的:观察老年牙周炎牙龈组织中自然杀伤(NK)细胞的分布。