- Contract Law Article 64 合同法第64条
- Article 64 of the Chinese Contract Law is concerning contracts for payment to third parties, but there are minor deficiencies in its contents, and it is misplaced in the law. 我国合同法第64条是关于向第三人给付合同的规定,但其内容稍嫌欠缺,且在合同法中的编列位置不妥。
- Article 64 in Contract Law 合同法第六十四条
- Article 64 This Law shall enter into force as of March 1,1997. 第六十四条本法自1997年3月1日起施行。
- Article 64 This Law shall enter into force as of March 1, 1997. 第六十四条 本法自1997年3月1日起施行。
- Article 64 A pledgor and a pledgee shall conclude a pledge contract in writing. 质押合同自质物移交于质权人占有时生效。
- Simmons specialized in contract law. 擅长合同法。
- This is provided in article 64 of the Chinese Company Law and it will reduce the burden of proof required of the creditors. 这规定在中国公司法第64条中,并且,该条规定降低了一人有限责任公司债权人的举证负担。
- On the Development and Evolution of Contract Law. 浅析古代、近代、现代合同法的发展与演变。
- The bulkof American contract law is judge-made case law. 美国合同法的大部分是由法官创制的判例法。
- The bulk of American contract law is judge-made case law. 美国合同法的大部分是由法官创制的判例法.
- The new contract Law of China adopted it to a certain degree. 我国新合同法在一定程度上采用了该制度。
- Contract law has its sources in both common law and statute. 合同法的渊源来自于普通法和制定法。
- Article 64 Where there is more than one obligee, all the obligees shall be registered. Where there is more than one obligor, the same applies. 第64条权利人为二人以上时,应将全部权利人分别予以登载。义务人为二人以上时,亦同。
- Rescission is an important basic system of Contract law. 合同解除是合同法上的一项重要的基本制度。
- Article 64 Buildings or structures put up before the general plan for the utilization of land and unconformable to the general plans are not allowed to be rebuilt or expanded. 第六十四条在土地利用总体规划制定前已建的不符合土地利用总体规划确定的用途的建筑物、构筑物,不得重建、扩建。
- Article 64 Evaluation of the prepaid expenses and inventory of supplies shall be based on the portion of amount covering the unexpired period or the unused supplies. 第64条(递延费用之估价)预付费用及用品盘存之估价,应以其有效期间未经过部份或未消耗部分之数额为标准,
- In our country criminal law the status violates stipulation everywhere, passes through in the entire criminal law article. 我国刑法中身份犯的规定比比皆是,贯穿整个刑法条文之中。
- Article 5 Where a People''s Court re-adjudicates a case on which a final judgment has been rendered, the Contract Law does not apply. 第五条 人民法院对合同法实施以前已经作出终审裁决的案件进行再审,不适用合同法。
- After she qualified as a lawyer, she decided to specialize in contract law. 她取得律师资格后,决定专门从事合同法的业务。