- The seismic response model for the gas-bea... 含气地震响应模式为“低频、强振幅、低阻抗”;
- Seismic responses of MR structures are analyzed, and three kinds of Bang-Bang control are compared. 研究磁流变阻尼结构的地震反应,对比分析了三种Bang-Bang控制下的控制结果;
- A passive dissipated link for reducing the seismic responses of two adjacent structures under earthquake is verified. 运用被动连接单元减小相邻结构的振动被证明是一种行之有效的手段。
- It is suggested that the vertical seismic responses must be considered in aqueduct design. 在渡槽的抗震设计中应考虑渡槽竖向地震反应的影响。
- Seismic response analysis methods for performance based design II. 基于性能设计的建筑振动解析2。
- Effects of multi-support excitations on seismic responses of large-span trussed gable frames were investigated by time-history method. 摘要以大跨度门式桁架结构为研究对象,用时程分析法考察了多点输入对不同跨度结构地震反应的影响。
- Seismic responses of unconsolidated sands indicate that Poisson's ratio is related to the parameters of sand with low effective stress. 非固结砂岩的地震响应研究表明泊松比参数与低有效应力的砂岩模型参数有关。
- The conclusion is that seismic responses accrete with the following parameters: ground base elastic modulus, lining thickness, depth of bottom floor. 经研究,下列参数增大则地下结构地震响应增大:地基弹性模量、衬砌厚度、底板深度;
- Based on the shear wave formulation,this paper presents a new method to calculate horizontal seismic responses of multistory shear type structures. 基于结构侧向位移的剪切波动方程,提出分析多层剪切型结构水平地震反应的新方法。
- The influence of anchor bolt supports on seismic responses of strengthening grottoes is studied with the engineering soft ADINA. 摘要利用大型通用ADINA有限元分析软件进行动力分析,研究锚杆加固对石窟地震反应的影响。
- The seismic responses of the isolated model were improved when subjected to the Kobe 1995 earthquakes, with best results obtained when El Centro earthquake was applied. 试验表明在经受(模拟)1995年神户地震作用时,其响应(较没有隔离器情况下)有所改善;
- Seismic responses of the hetero-column frame with bottom rectangle columns are analyzed by time history method and are compared with the normal hetero-column frame. 对底部矩形柱上部异形柱框架结构以及纯异形柱框架结构进行了时程地震反应分析。
- The water filled in the aqueduct has important effect on natural frequencies and seismic responses, but the contributions of high-order mode responses can be ignored. 算例结果表明,施加预应力使渡槽的自振频率升高、抗震能力增强,渡槽的竖向地震反应中高阶振型的贡献可以忽略,槽内水体对渡槽的自振特性和地震反应有很大影响。
- The different seismic responses of underground structures in liquefiable soil at different burial depths were studied using the nonlinear coupled finite element method. 应用非线性液固两相体动力有限元方法研究饱和可液化土中地下结构在水平地震作用下埋深的响应。
- The effects of soil-structure interaction (SSI) on TLD's performance to suppress the seismic responses of structures are studied by a series of shaking table model tests. 摘要通过系列振动台模型试验,研究土-结构相互作用对结构TLD减震控制影响。
- The member system modeling is adopted and the corresponding program for analyzing the elasto-plastic seismic responses of frames is worked out by the authors. 采用杆系模型并编制了相应的弹塑性地震反应分析程序。
- Some statistic laws are discussed about the gravity dam's seismic responses of accelerations and stresses changing with the dam height and the foundation stiffness. 同时分析了重力坝地震响应加速度和动应力随坝高和坝基刚度变化的统计规律。
- A model used PGA, PGV and PGD for calibrating seismic response spectrum was introduced. 介绍了用地面峰值加速度(PGA)、峰值速度(PGV)和峰值位移(PGD)三个参数标定设计地震反应谱的模型。
- The tested results show that the EDDs are effective in attenuating seismic response of the frame model. 试验结果表明,耗能阻尼器支撑能够有效地控制结构的地震反应。
- Chiyoda Mutual Life Insurance Co. 千代田寿险公司(日本)