- Chinese Document Clustering 中文自动分类
- The statistical characteristics of dimensionality in latent semantic analysis LSA space were studied to realize automatic document clustering under different concept levels. 另外,在基于潜在语义分析的文档聚类算法中,采用文档自检索矩阵的行向量,代替低维文档向量作为聚类对象,获得了更好的聚类准确率。
- To improve the clustering quality of massive extensible markup language(XML) document collections,this paper proposes a novel XML document clustering method. 为了提高大规模半结构化文档集的聚类质量,提出了一种新的XML文档聚类方法。
- On the whole, this thesis has accomplished the software design of a Chinese document image analysis system. 整体而言,本论文系完成一个中文文件影像分析系统之软体设计;
- Objective:In order to know the status of adverse drug reaction(ADR)of triazolam,ADRs of triazolam on chinese document were collated and analyzed. 目的:分析三唑仑不良反应发生情况。
- A multi-level document clustering algorithm was proposed based on association rules, It constructed document feature vector of topic and keyword by using a new method of document feature extraction. 提出了一种新的基于关联规则的多层文档聚类算法,该算法利用新的文档特征抽取方法构造了文档的主题和关键字特征向量。
- If you have a Chinese document that is going around the world, it can easily be scrambled because of the incompatibility of different Chinese encodings. 如果你有一个中文文件准备流传世界,它很容易被搞乱,因为有不同的中文编码系统不兼容。
- To improve document clustering, a document similarity measure based on cosine vector and keywords frequency in documents is proposed, but also with an input ontology. 为了改进文本聚类的效果,提出了将领域知识本体和文本关键词词频相结合的基于余弦向量的文本相似性测度方法。
- In this paper, a kind of digital signature is presented, which is based on the Lorenz chaotic system and the four step cell neuron net (CNN) hyperchaotic system. The digital signature of Chinese document is realized. 文中提出了基于Lorenz混沌系统和四阶细胞神经网络(CNN)超混沌系统的数字签名方法,实现了对中文文档的数字签名。
- The Chinese document snipes back at the Americans, saying their arms sales to Taiwan have been causing serious harm to bilateral relations and to peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. 对此,中国人在文件中反唇相讥,认为美国对台湾的军售活动已对中美关系与台海和平稳定造成了严重损害。
- Research on Chinese Document Dynamic Clustering Under Controlled Vocabularies 基于控制词集的中文信息动态自动聚类研究
- In the experiment of classifying Chinese documents, it is BEP value is about 83%. 在中文文本分类实验中;可以达到83%25的BEP值.
- According to ancient Chinese documents, it is the earliest alchemistic material found so far in China. 结合文献分析,可知它是我国迄今为止发现的最早的方士的炼丹实物;
- Dynamic Document Clustering Based on Genetic Algorithm 基于遗传算法的动态文本聚类
- This paper discusses a comprehensive approach for automatic abstracting of domain independent Chinese documents. 讨论了一种面向非受限领域的综合式中文自动文摘方法。
- This paper also illustrates the feasible algorithm for Chinese documents encryption and decryption. 利用这一技术,给出了可行的对汉字文档加解密算法,并用实例展示了这种算法。
- Web Document Clustering Analysis Based on Evolutionism Conception 基于进化论思想的Web文档聚类分析
- Dynamically adjusted incremental Web document clustering algorithm 动态调整的Web文档增量聚类算法
- In Chinese documents and media, the way to translate Japanese proper nouns into Chinese is often a pictographic translation. 中国文献、媒体译介日本人名、地名等专名时,用的是形译法。
- Some of the Chinese gymnasts appeared to some observers to be underage, and what appeared to be official Chinese documents found on the Internet contradicted official statements. 在一些观察人士看来,部分中国体操选手似乎不够年龄,而在互联网上找到的一些疑似官方文件与官方声明相悖。