- China coast swim,seaquake,sealevel need helis! 海岸线游泳救助将可能进口,或买进直升飞机!
- Laoshan Mountain is the highest mountain in China coast. 摘要崂山是中国海岸线上的最高峰。
- Fog is formed when warm and moist air from the southeast moves over the cool waters near the South China coast. 当温暖而潮湿的空气从东南面吹来,经过华南沿岸附近的寒冷水面,便会形成雾。
- Japan from Kochi Prefecture, Ryukyu Islands southwards and along the north China coast to Taiwan and Viet Nam. 日本高知县,琉球群岛向南沿北中国沿海到台湾和越南。
- Chinese ship collided with a foreign cargo ship in the east China coast at Sunday, 20 sailors were missing. 昨日一艘中国船只和一搜外国货船在中国东海岸相撞,造成20人失踪。
- A merchant boat loaded with porcelain that sank off the south China coast 800 years ago was raised on Friday, one day earlier than planned. 800年前装满瓷器沉没在中国南海海域的一艘古代商船星期五被打捞出水面。这次打捞比计划的时间提前了一天。
- Reliable southerly winds from October to April provided easy passage for ships coming from the westheading up the China coast towards Japan. 每年10月到次年4月,按时刮起的南风,便于来自从西方的船只沿中国海岸北上日本。
- The NNE trending Pacific plate transected aforsaid EW and NE trending plates in east China coast, showing the typical tectonic pattern of the west coast Pacific ocean. 扬子板块与华南板块之间有赣(东北)-浙(西)-皖(南)对冲带。 东部沿海地区北北东向滨太平洋板块则横切以上近东西向和北东向诸板块,展现出太平洋西海岸最新板块的格局。
- A group of China Coast residents may represent a half-dozen nationalities but all display the same philosophy of life which was a distinctly Oriental tinge. 一群在中国沿海地区的移民,可能包含半打以上的国籍,但所有人却呈现著明显是东方色调的生活哲学。
- Hourly cloud pictures received from the Geostationary Meteorological Satellite of the Japan Meteorological Agency give general indications of tropical cyclones,severe storms and frontal systems approaching the south China coast. 天文台每小时接收由日本气象厅的地球同步气象卫星拍摄的卫星云图。这些图像可以显示逼近华南沿岸的热带气旋、强烈风暴和锋面系统。
- A weak northeast monsoon reached the South China Coastal areas in the morning. 当日一股微弱的东北季候风于早上抵达华南沿岸。
- Hourly cloud pictures received from the Geostationary Meteorological Satellite of the Japan Meteorological Agency give general indications of tropical cyclones, severe storms and frontal systems approaching the south China coast. 天文台每小时接收由日本气象厅的地球同步气象卫星拍摄的卫星云图。 这些图像可以显示逼近华南沿岸的热带气旋、强烈风暴和锋面系统。
- The first reserve on the China coast properly to protect migrating shorebirds and waterfowl was set up in 1975 in Hong Kong, at Mai Po, and is now run by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). 中国沿海的第一个保护迁徙海鸟和水禽的保护区是1975年在香港建成的米埔保护区,现在由世界自然基金会管理。
- Moreover, the firms expanded their smuggling scope, including not only theillegal opium trade, but the trade of munitions, coolie and the smuggling of thecommon merchandise on the China coast. 此外,鸦片战争后外国洋行走私范围更加扩大,不仅非法扩张鸦片贸易,还大肆进行军火贸易、苦力贸易及沿海一般商品的走私。
- A tropical China Coast village containing the Chapel of St.Francis Xavier, the Taoist Temple dedicated to the seafarers' God Tam Kung, and several temples dedicated to the Goddess Tin Hau. 包括曾收藏圣方济各手骸圣镯的葡式圣方济各圣堂,陈列以鲸鱼骨雕制的龙舟的谭公庙及天后庙一带。
- Besides the Kuroshio current, the coastal Taiwan current brings cold water down the South China coast,which affects inshore waters, making the surface water cold during thewinter. 除黑潮海流外,近岸的台湾海流亦把寒冷的海水带入南中国海岸,影响沿岸水域,使冬季月份的水体表面较为寒冷。
- Besides the Kuroshio current,the coastal Taiwan current brings cold water down the South China coast,which affects inshore waters,making the surface water cold during thewinter. 除黑潮海流外,近岸的台湾海流亦把寒冷的海水带入南中国海岸,影响沿岸水域,使冬季月份的水体表面较为寒冷。
- An active southerly airstream is bringing rainy weather to the south China coastal areas. 积极偏南气流带来的雨的天气华南沿岸地区。
- Pirates using huge ships that could carry over 300 men pillaged the China coastal cities for several centuries. 当时的(中国)海盗所用的船只非常庞大,足足可以承载300多人,在中国沿海城市猖狂掠夺,肆虐时间长达好几个世纪。