- Carolyn Waldo 沃尔多
- Hello, this is Rick Gates. I am returning a phone call from Carolyn Matthew. 喂,我是RickGates。我是回CarolynMatthews的电话。
- Carolyn was consumed with guilt. 卡罗琳深感内疚。
- "The whole place is gonna burn down," Waldo said. “整个的地方都在被烧毁, ”瓦尔多说。
- "Carolyn's steer 11 be judged on Wednesday. “卡洛琳的小牛要在星期三评判。
- "You ain't seen 5 percent, kiddo," Waldo rejoined. “你看到的只是百分之五, 老兄 , ”瓦尔多回答说。
- Michael is seventeen. Carolyn is sixteen. 迈可十七岁,卡洛琳十六岁。
- Carolyn: She just takes him to her room. 她只是把他带进了卧室。
- Carolyn: Yeah. But I though she died. 记得,我以为她过世了。
- Carolyn retired in 1994 after 35 years of teaching. 卡洛琳于1994年从35年教学生涯中退休。
- Carolyn: Shhh. Here comes the boss. 卡洛琳:嘘,老?来了。
- Carolyn Moynihan is Deputy Editor of MercatorNet. 卡罗琳.;莫伊尼罕是棱镜网英文版的副编辑。
- Kassian, Carolyn Mahaney, Barbara Hughes, P. 创作者: Susan Hunt; Mary A.
- Shannon, Carolyn L.Stang, Billie A. 作者: Billie Ann Wilson; Margaret T.
- Waldo go to the city hall to register the birth of his son. 沃尔多去市政厅为他儿子作出生登记。
- Andreoli, Michael T.Andreoli, Carolyn E. 作者 Hani Salehi-Had; Christopher M.
- From Taipei, here's Carolyn Dulark. 卡罗琳.;杜拉克从台北向您发回报道。
- Carolyn pointed this out mid-task. 卡洛琳在任务进行中就指出了这一点。"
- They keep on going," said Carolyn McCarthy. 他们依然我行我素。”