- C2C电子商务营销模式是近年来互联网发展的主要方向之一。 The C2C marketing model for e-commerce is one of the main development directions of Internet.
- C2C电子商务 C2C E-commerce
- 电子 electron
- 电子邮件 E-mail
- C2C类电子商务的主要内容就是互连网上的荷兰式拍卖。 The main content of C2C e-commerce is Dutch auction on the internet.
- 电子商务 the e-business
- 电子商务平台 e-commerce platform
- 这就是随着网站个人化技术的起飞,电子商务界正在与之较量的问题。 That's the question the e-commerce industry is wrestling with as Web personalization technology takes off.
- 一种协商在线增量学习算法及其在基于智能体的电子商务中的应用 On-line Dynamic Incremental Learning in MAS Negotiation and Its Application in E-commerce
- 电子商务风险与控制 The Risks and Controls of EC
- 电子商务正蓬勃展开。 Electronic commerce is booming.
- 电子商务的悲哀与惊奇[经济学家情报联合会,2002年4月15日] E-woes, E-gads [China Business, Economist Intelligence Unit, April 15, 2002]
- 苗木电子商务 Electronic business affairs of nursery-grown plant
- 电子商务类 e-commerce
- 电子商务师 E-commerce engineer
- B2B电子商务 B2B E-commerce
- B2C电子商务 B2C E-business
- 电子商务链 e-commerce chain
- Web电子商务 E-Commerce based on Web
- P2P电子商务 P2P electronic commerce