- That suggests the variant promotes susceptibility to bipolar disorder. 这就说明正是这种变体诱发了躁郁症。
- There's no need for psychotherapy in bipolar disorder. 双相障碍没必要做心理治疗。
- Mixed symptoms also are common in youths with bipolar disorder. 双相混合症状在青少年中也很常见。
- Now, scientists are finding evidence of a similar link for bipolar disorder. 现在,科学家正在寻找双极紊乱的相似联系的证据。
- They tracked the inheritance of this variant from parent to child in families with a history of bipolar disorder. 他们跟踪研究了有躁郁症病史的家庭中带有这种变体的父母和孩子之间的遗传情况。
- Bipolar disorder, also called manic-depressive illness, is not as common as major depression or dysthymia. 双相情感障碍,也叫做躁郁症,并不像重度抑郁症或心境恶劣一样普遍。
- Overall heritability for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder was 64% and 59%, respectively. 精神分裂症和双相情感障碍的累积遗传可能性分别为64%25和59%25。
- Bipolar disorder is a chronic and recurrent psychiatric disorder,which is characterized by waving mania or depression. 双相障碍是以起伏性躁狂或抑郁为特征的慢性周期性精神疾病。
- Treatment of bipolar disorder that focuses solely on its “medical” components often results in failure. 单单着眼“医药”成分来治疗双相障碍,通常结果都是失败。
- Shaikh's family says the 53-year-old man was suffering from bipolar disorder and was tricked into the crime. 沙伊克的家人说,53岁的沙伊克患有躁郁症,被人引诱犯罪。
- We also discovered he was a sick man who suffered through many years of undetected and untreated bipolar disorder. 我们还发现,他是个病人,多年来一直患有躁郁症,但没人注意到,也没人给他治疗。
- Lamictal is used for seizures or bipolar disorder, serious conditions that need treatment even during pregnancy. 拉莫三嗪用于癫痫或双相情感性精神病,以及严重情况下的孕妇的治疗。
- The college students were also less likely to have a drug-use disorder, nicotine dependence or bipolar disorder. 研究表明大学生比较不易于患上药物滥用精神障碍、尼古丁依赖或者双向人格障碍;
- Some of the 11 antiepileptics of concern to the FDA are also used to treat bipolar disorder. 十一种抗癫痫药物中的一些和FDA有关的,也用于治疗双相情感障碍。
- Conclusion: Family education can redu ce t he rate of relapse in patients with bipolar disorder. 结论:本法简单易行,患者亲属愿意接受,确有效果。
- A59- year-old man with a long history of undiagnosed bipolar disorder experienced mania after discontinuing treatment with venlafaxine for depression. 例59岁老年男性有一个未能得到诊断的长期双相情感障碍病史,在文拉法辛停药后发生躁狂症。
- Bipolar disorder (or manic-depressive psychosis ):Mental illness characterized by the alternation of manic and depressive states. 躁郁症:一种精神疾病,以反复出现躁狂和抑郁状态为特征。
- Bipolar disorder (or manic-depressive psychosis ): Mental illness characterized by the alternation of manic and depressive states. 躁郁症:一种精神疾病,以反复出现躁狂和抑郁状态为特征。
- A 59-year-old man with a long history of undiagnosed bipolar disorder experienced mania after discontinuing treatment with venlafaxine for depression. 1例59岁老年男性有一个未能得到诊断的长期双相情感障碍病史,在文拉法辛停药后发生躁狂症。
- It will lead to a new understanding of illnesses as aried as high blood pressure, bipolar disorder and rheumatoid arthritis. 它将使我们对高血压,躁狂抑郁及风湿性关节炎等疾病有了新的认识。