- Beijing of Ming and Qing 北京(明清)
- Is mainly of the Ming and Qing styles. 主要保留了明清时期的风格。
- Among many talented women of Ming and Qing Dynasties, Wang Duanshu was accountably outstanding. 摘要在明清两代的众多才女中,王端淑可谓是其中的佼佼者。
- The fable of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. 九、元明清时期寓言。
- Summary on the Jiangxi economic history research of Ming and Qing dynasties over the last ten years. 十年来明清江西地区经济史研究综述。
- In the period of Ming and Qing, the esquire was bearing an important function on local public good, public security, education and civil mediating. 明清时期 ,士绅在地方公益、治安保卫、教育教化、民事调解等方面承担着重要职能。
- This project mainly covers buildings of Ming and Qing dynasty, water supply and drainage equipment and improvement of the environment around. 该项目主要包括明清建筑,供排水设施及周边环境整治。
- Chen Chen is one of the most important abherent poets of Ming Dynasty and popular literature writers at the turn of Ming and Qing Dynasty. 陈忱是明末清初最重要的遗民诗人和通俗文学作家之一。
- The discussion should have a universal significance to the study of Ming and Qing ditties and to that of folk songs in Liao Zhai Zhi Yi as well. 本文有关南北曲同明清小曲、聊斋俚曲的关系的论述,对明清小曲、聊斋俚曲研究也有普遍的意义。
- The entire group of Ming and Qing style architecture cleverly integrated with modern technologies, splendid,yong rong hua gui , flavor. 整组建筑巧妙地将明清风格与现代技术融为一体,富丽堂皇,雍容华贵,古朴典雅。
- This volume presents 164 outstanding pieces of Ming and Qing cloisonne enamel wares in the collection of the National Palace Museum. 本书所录,包括明朝嘉靖、万历以及清代康熙、雍正、乾隆三朝的瓷器。
- With the secularization of Ming and Qing Dynasties, this belief was rejuvened by folk belief in Fujian, Jiangsu and other Provinces. 随着明清佛教世俗化,该信仰在福建、江苏等地以民间信仰的方式复兴。
- In the period of Ming and Qing, with the further develop ment of com modity economy, like the South area of the River, the luxurious consumption fash ion was prevailing in Fujian. 明清时期,随着商品经济的进一步发展,福建地区与江南等地一样,也流行起奢侈性消费风尚。
- Dejuyuan folk-style hotel maintains building style and feature in Ming and Qing dynasty .The hotel consists of cashier's office,kang and rooms of Ming and Qing styles. 德居源客栈保持了明清时期的建筑风格和风貌特征,客房全部由明清柜房、居室装修而成,明清土坑,冬暖夏凉;
- This volume presents a selection of Ming and Qing porcelains from the Wanli to Qianlong reigns decorated with symbols of longevity, good health, good fortune, and peace. 本书所录,包括明朝嘉靖、万历以及清代康熙、雍正、乾隆三朝的瓷器。
- Pingyao Ancient City( Shanxi) is a large building composed of complete city walls, lanes and residences, the most complete antitype of county of Ming and Qing Dynasty. 平遥古城是由完整的城墙、巷和民居组成的大型古城建筑群,是中国境内迄今保存最完整的明清时期的县城原型。
- It is very important for the rise and fall of Ming and Qing dynasty and the progress of Mongolia's history that Later Jin Dynasty had pacificated the Monan-Mongolia. 摘要漠南蒙古各部为后金绥服对明清的兴亡和蒙古族本身的历史发展具有重要的意义,值得我们深思。
- Pingyao Ancient City (Shanxi) is a large building composed of complete city walls, lanes and residences, the most complete antitype of county of Ming and Qing Dynasty. 平遥古城是由完整的城墙、街巷和民居组成的大型古城建筑群,是中国境内迄今保存最完整的明清时期的县城原型。
- During the turn of Ming and Qing Dynasties, Jesuit missionaries chose the theory of heavens as a strategy for doing missionary work with science and technology. 摘要明末清初期间,西方的耶稣会传教士为在中国传扬天主教,选择了学术传教的策略,而且首先选择的就是“天学”。
- There are a lot of d different images of Huizhou merchants in the novels of Ming and Qing, among which the two images of being avaricious and accommodating are typical. 摘要明清小说中有众多不同的徽商形象描写,其中以“贪财吝啬”和“乐施助人”两种形象最为典型。