- Barkhausen噪声 Barkhausen Noise Signal
- Barkhausen跳跃 barkhausen jump
- Barkhausen效应 Barkhausen effect
- 噪声污染 noise pollution
- 本文研究了金属镍的Barkhausen声发射(ABE)和电磁发射(EDE)的特性。 Acoustic Barkhausen Emission (ABE) and Electromagnetic Barkhausen Emission (EBE) have been measured.
- 城里的交通噪声总是使城市居民烦恼。 The noisy traffic is a continual annoyance to the citizens.
- 白噪声 flat noise
- 交通的噪声使我头疼。 The clamor of the traffic gave me a headache.
- 低噪声 low noise
- 附近工厂的噪声使他烦燥。 The loud noise from the nearby factory chafed him.
- 约翰逊噪声 Johnson noise
- 周围的噪声 ambient noises
- 去噪声 denoising
- 把噪声弄轻点! Hold down that noise!
- 噪声系数 noise factor
- 噪声预防 noise precaution
- 背景噪声光子 background noise photon
- 噪声的主观评价 subjective assessment of noise
- 噪声计 psophometer
- 建筑噪声容许标准 criterion of permissible building noise