- An agent that kills mites. 杀螨刹一种杀死螨的药剂
- An agent that kills germs,especially pathogenic microorganisms;a disinfectant. 杀菌剂一种杀死细菌的药剂,尤指致病的微生物;杀虫剂
- An agent that kills germs, especially pathogenic microorganisms;a disinfectant. 杀菌剂一种杀死细菌的药剂,尤指致病的微生物;杀虫剂
- An agent that kills germs, especially pathogenic microorganisms; a disinfectant. 杀菌剂一种杀死细菌的药剂,尤指致病的微生物;杀虫剂
- An agent that kills mollusks. 杀灭软体动物的药剂
- A medicine or an agent that induces absorption. 吸收剂导致吸收的药品或药剂
- A chemical agent that kills eggs, especially the eggs of insects. 杀卵剂一种杀死卵的化学药剂,尤指杀死虫卵的杀虫剂
- An agent that destroys or causes the expulsion of parasitic intestinal worms. 驱肠虫剂,灭肠虫剂可消灭或驱除肠内寄生虫的药物
- A drug or an agent that produces such effects. 拟副交感药,拟副交感剂产生这种效用的药剂
- an agent that kills spermatozoa. 杀掉精子的一种作用物。
- An agent that causes sleep; a soporific. 引起睡眠的一种剂;安眠药
- An agent that assuages or mollifies. 镇静或缓和的药物
- An agent that causes a rise in blood pressure. 血压加压药
- An agent that destroys bacteria. 杀菌剂一种杀死细菌的药剂
- An agent that inhibits or destroys viruses. 杀病毒剂
- An agent that promotes growth or development. 促进生长或发展化学制剂
- An agent that promotes the coagulation of blood. 促凝剂促进血液凝结的媒剂
- An agent that softens or soothes the skin. 润肤剂软化和缓和皮肤的药
- An agent that causes a liquid or sol to coagulate. 凝结剂引起液体或溶液凝结的媒介
- an agent that kills germs,especially pathogenic microorganisms; a disinfectant 一种杀死细菌的药剂,尤指致病的微生物;杀虫剂