- Airtube extubate 拔管木
- The cause death was postoperatively bleeding and tamponade in one case, apnoea after extubate in another case. 死亡原因:1例死于术后血肿心包填塞,1例为拔除气管插管后窒息、呼吸骤停。
- Airtube pricking and placing tube technique 气管穿刺置管术
- Keywords Intubation;inner airtube;Nose;Epidural catheter;Throat; 插管法;气管内;鼻;硬膜外导管;咽;
- After the tracheal intubation extubate the illness complication and the guard 气管插管拔管后的并发症及防范
- Keywords Inhalation injury;Airtube pricking and placing tube technique;Observation of effect; 关键词吸入性损伤;气管穿刺置管术;效果观察;
- Keywords chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD);mechanical ventilation;adaptive support ventilation (ASV);respiratory mechanics;extubate; 慢性阻塞性肺病(COPD);机械通气;适应性支持通气(ASV);呼吸力学;撤机;
- airtube 气管, 导气管, 导气道(防止舌根阻塞声门用)
- extubate vt. [医]从(喉部等)除管; 从 ... 去掉管子
- extub. (=extubate) 除管,(=extubation) 除管法