- 铁锈-Fe(OH)3联合工艺 iron rust-Fe(OH)3 combined process
- 全反式维甲酸、活性维生素D_3联合雄激素对MDS难治性贫血的疗效追踪观察 Retrospective Observation of Curative Effects on MDS Refractory Anemia with Combination of All-trans Retinoic Acid, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D_3 and Androgen
- 联合 unite
- Fe(OH)3凝胶 Fe(OH)3 gel
- 联合的 united
- 联合利华 Uniliver
- Fe(OH)3胶桥 Fe(OH) 3colloidal bridge
- 联合起来 join up
- 联合培养 dual culture
- Fe(OH)2凝胶 Ferric hydroxide gel
- 联合早报 Lianhe Zaobao
- 企业联合 kartell
- Al(OH)3 Al(OH)3
- Fe_(73.5)Cu_(1.0)Nb_(3.0)Si_(13.5)B_9纳米软 The Curie Temperature of Fe_(73.5)Cu_(1.0)Nb_(3.0)Si_(13.5)B_9 Nanostructured Soft Magnetic Alloy
- 联合收割机 combine harvester
- Fe(Ⅲ)-OH配合物 Fe (Ⅲ)-hydroxyl complexes
- 联合行动 combined action
- In(OH)3 In(OH)3
- 联合声明 joint statement
- α-Fe_2O_3 α_Fe 2O 3