- 萝卜抗菌肽Rs-AFP2 Antifungal protein(AFP)
- 抗菌肽CM4 Antibacterial peptide CM4
- 抗菌肽PR-39 antibacterial peptide PR-39
- 家蚕抗菌肽 moricin
- 抗菌肽家族 families of antibacterial peptides
- 家蝇抗菌肽 Musca domestica antibacterial peptide
- 抗菌性 bacterinertness
- 在刀口上搽上抗菌剂 to paint antiseptic on the cut
- 抗菌药膏 antiseptic cream
- 抗菌软膏 antiseptic ointment
- 肠道抗菌药 enteric antiseptics
- 抗菌织物 antibiotic fabric
- 抗菌釉 antibacterial glaze
- 抗菌肤 antibacterial peptides
- 抗菌相 antibacterial phase
- 抗菌酶 atimicrobial enzymes
- 抗菌净肤液 an antiseptic skin wash
- 拮抗菌 antagonistic bacteria
- 抗菌皂 antibacterial soap
- 抗菌纸 antibacterial paper