- 联合国(略U.N.) the U - Nations
- 苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟[略U.S.S.R.(苏联)] Soviet Union (the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics)
- 联合国 United Nations
- u盘
- 英雄所见略同 Great minds think alike
- 联合国大会 General Assembly
- 略过 skip over
- 联合国教科文组织 UNESCO
- D-U-N-S? The D-U-N-S?
- 略有 slightly
- 联合国秘书长 UNSG
- 缩略词 initialism
- 按模n计数 count modulo n
- 联合国宪章 the Charter of Organization of United Nations
- 略小 on the small side
- s-o-n-g拼成"song"一字。 s-o-n-g spells "song".
- 联合国儿童基金会 United Nations Children's Fund
- U盘/优盘 USB drive
- 略称 abbreviation; shortened form
- 按模数N校验 modulo n check