- 美丽镰刀霉K178 Fusarium mairei K178
- 美丽镰刀菌 Fusarium mairei
- 霉 moldy
- 霉素 zymoid
- 防霉 mildewproof
- 她用手抚摸这美丽的丝绸。 She fingered the fine silk.
- 阿霉素 adriamycin
- 镰刀挥动发出的嗖嗖声 the swish of scythes.
- 我们面前呈现出一派美丽景色。 A beautiful view unfolded before us.
- 用镰刀砍高粱 to slash sorghum with a sickle
- 阿奇霉素 azithromycin
- 她长得美丽非凡。 She was a lady of singular beauty.
- 霉运 a bad break
- 较之人像画她更喜欢美丽的风景画。 She preferred a good landscape to a portrait.
- 这城市有许多美丽的公园。 This city has many beautiful parks.
- 霉的 mucedinous
- 防霉剂 mildew preventive
- 那颗宝石有美丽的闪光。 The jewel has a beautiful shimmer.
- 从这座山上可以眺望美丽的远景。 The hill commands a fine distant view.
- 霉味 mouldy taste