- 确定性BIST deterministic BIST
- 不确定性 nondeterminacy
- 确定性逻辑BIST deterministic logic BIST
- BIST Built-in self test(BIST)
- 确定性 determinacy
- 常数除法器的设计及其BIST实现 Designof Constant Divider and Its BIST Implement
- 一种新型的可编程存储器BIST设计 A New Design of Programmable Memory BIST
- 一种多核共享测试数据的BIST方案 BIST Scheme for Test Data Sharing with Multiple Cores
- 混合BIST核系统的测试时间最小化 Test Time Minimization for Hybrid BIST of Core-Based Systems
- 确定性的 deterministic
- 基于全状态伪随机序列的BIST设计 The Research and Design BIST Based All Status Pseudo-Random Sequence Generators
- 近来不确定性问题吸引了关注。 Problem of uncertainty draw recently more and more attention.
- 约束输入精简的多扫描链BIST方案 Constraint Input Reduction BIST Scheme for Multiple Scan Chains
- 这位科学家不喜欢这种不确定性。 The physics laureate does not like that kind of uncertainty.
- 一种新的低功耗BIST测试生成器设计 A New Design of Low Power BIST TPG
- 不确定性分析 uncertainty analysis
- 一种新型混合模式BIST的低功耗设计 A New Low Power Design of Mixed-mode BIST
- 数据对试验结果的不确定性的数据测量 A numerical measure of the uncertainty of an experimental outcome.
- 模拟退火算法在低功耗BIST中的应用 Simulated annealing algorithm applied in low power BIST scheme
- 主动数据库中规则可观察确定性判定问题的一个解决方法 Solution of Determining Observable Determinism of Rules in Active Database