- 氟利昂-12的常压DBD降解 Atmospheric Degradation of CFC-12 by Dielectric Barrier Discharge
- 常用 in common usage
- 常 often
- 龙竹的常压液体渗透性研究 Study on Liquid Permeability of Dendrocalamus Giganteus under Normal Pressure
- MAGE-12的新B细胞表位抗原肽的设计、合成及免疫原性研究 Symthesis and identification of a new B-cell epitope of tumor antigen MAGE-12
- 羧基丁苯胶乳的常压加氢研究 Study on hydrogenation of carboxylic styrener - butadiene latex under normal pressure
- 酒精溶液浸泡处理对爆裂玉米微波常压与微波真空膨化的影响 Effect of dipped in alcohol liquor on microwave normal pressure and microwave vacuum popping of popcorn
- 一种多刺的常绿灌木,浓密,花芳香、金黄色;遍及西欧各地 very spiny and dense evergreen shrub with fragrant golden-yellow flowers; common throughout western Europe
- 镍基催化剂上丙酮的常压气相加氢 Gaseous Phase Hydrogenation of Acetone at Atmospheric Pressure on a Nickel-Based Catalyst
- 一种爬地的常绿灌木,夏季开花,花星状、呈鲜艳的黄色;作为一种地被植物。 creeping evergreen shrub with bright yellow star-shaped summer flowers; useful as ground cover.
- 一种物质在常压下不会流动的状态。 the state in which a substance has no tendency to flow under moderate stress; resists forces (such as compression) that tend to deform it; and retains an definite size and shape.
- 常压井口室 one-atmosphere wellhead cellar
- 常压下 in usual atmospheric pressure
- 常压下燥 ambient pressure drying
- 常压冷藏 atmosphere cold storage
- 常压氨灌 atmosphere pressure storage tank
- 常压染色 atmospheric dyeing
- 大气常压 atmospheric pressure
- 低温常压 atmospheric pressure and low temperature
- 常压锅炉 atmospheric pressure boiler