- 但循环式CDT规约对远动下行通道缺乏有效的自动监视手段。 But CDT protocol can not monitor effectively down channel of telecontrol system.
- 循环式CDT规约 CDT protocol
- 中小型地区级和县级电网调度自动化系统广泛采用了循环式CDT规约。 CDT protocol is used in many region and county dispatching automation systems.
- 循环式CDT规约远动下行通道自动监视的实现 Automatic monitoring realization of down channel based on cycle data transmitting(CDT) protocol
- 嵌入式 flush bonding
- 再循环 recycle
- 美式英语 American English
- 嵌入式系统 embedded system
- 巴洛克式 barpque
- 组合式 combined type
- 本文详细地论述了利用变电站微机监测系统实现CDT规约远动转发的硬件和软件设计,它使监测系统兼具RTU功能,成为一个实时可靠、性能价格比高的综合自动化系统。 In this,paper the design of hardware andsofware for CDT telecommunication realized in substa-tion SCADA is expounded. The SCADA becomes a re-al-time, reliable integrated automatic system with thefunction of RTU of high performance-price ratio.
- 启发式 heuristic
- 针式打印机 stylus printer
- 招式 movements in martial arts
- CDT循环规约的DELPHI程序实现 Implementation of recycling protocol CDT with DELPHI
- 桥式起重机 ore bridge
- 流式细胞仪 flow cytometry
- 板式换热器 plate exchanger
- 远动CDT循环规约的高级语言实施 Implementation of Telecontrol Recycling Protocol CDT with Senior Language
- 整体式 integral type