- 局部X线摄片 spot radiograph
- 高千伏x线摄片机 high-KV X-ray shoot apparatus
- 外踝撕脱骨折的X线摄片方法 X-ray projections for avulsion fractures of the lateral malleolus
- 局部X线照射 localized x-irradiation
- 片 sheet
- 在线 in-line
- 局部X光摄影术 body section radiography
- DDR双能量减影对肩胛骨摄片的价值 Value of DDR Dual-energy Subtraction in Scapula Radiography
- 数字化摄片 digital radiography
- 荧光X线照片,间接X线摄影片,荧光图 photofluorogram
- 应力位摄片 stress radiograph
- X线摄片和CT扫描对脊柱损伤的诊断价值比较 Compare the Value of X-ray and CT Scanning in the Diagnosis of Spine Injury
- PHILIPS CM120型透射电镜摄片分析 Analsysis of Photographs Taken with TEM of the Type of PHILIPS CM120
- 本机为移动式,可进入病房作床边摄片。 It can be moved to sickroom to photograph beside bed.
- 超声结合X线摄片在肺囊型包虫病药物治疗中的应用评价 Evaluation of Application of Ultrasound Combined with X-ray in Pharmaceutic Treatment on Pulmonary Cystic Echinococcosis
- 荧光X线片,间接X线摄影片,荧光图 photofluorogram
- X线片的骨骼年龄判定 The bone age estimation with X-ray plate
- 在未来的世纪中 ,医学成像领域的焦点主要集中在 :(1)利用平板薄膜晶体管技术有源阵列在X线摄片中的应用像CT一样普及。 In the coming century,the medical imaging field will be concentrated on (1) the utilization of the flat panel TFT active marix array in X ray radiography as well as in volume CT.
- X线摄片检查表明,其胸椎、腰椎及胸部有多处钙化。 An x-ray film examination of the dorsolumbar spine as well as pectoral regions showed multiple areas of calcification
- X线胸片架 X-ray chest stand