- 大角度X射线衍射 Large-angle X-ray diffraction
- 大角度X线衍射 large-angle X-ray diffraction
- 小角度X射线分析 Glancing incidence X-ray analysis
- 辛酸钠/辛二醇/H_2O体系层状液晶的小角度X射线衍射研究 The Investigations of Lamellar Liquid Crystal of Sodium Caprylate, 1,8-Octane Diol and Water With Low Angle X-ray Diffraction
- 用偏光显微镜小角光散射、扫描电镜和大角度X-光衍射技术研究了壳聚糖及其衍生物丁酸壳聚糖、苯甲酸壳聚糖的溶液浇铸膜的结构。 The structure of solution casting films of chitosan and its derivatives was researched using PM, SALS, SEM and WAXD.
- x射线衍射显微术 x ray diffraction microscopy
- 小角度X射线衍射 small angle x-ray diffraction (SAXD)
- 高温X射线衍射 high temperature X-ray diffraction
- 小角度X射线散射 small angle x-ray scattering (SAXS)
- 小角度X线衍射 small angle X-ray diffraction
- 用于大尺寸样品的同步辐射硬X射线衍射增强成像方法研究 A new diffraction-enhanced imaging set-up for large sample using synchrotron radiation X-ray
- 高角度X线衍射 high-angle X-ray diffraction
- 粉晶X射线衍射 powder X-ray diffraction
- 多孔材料孔界面分形结构小角度X射线散射实验 Fractal Properties of Pore Surface in Porous Materials by the Small Angle X-ray Scattering Technique
- 角散X射线衍射 ADXRD
- 晶体X射线衍射 Crystal X-ray diffraction
- 用透射电子显微镜(TEM)、小角度X射线散射仪(SAXS)和拉伸实验研究了一系列PS-PI多点接枝共聚物和嵌段双点接枝(BDG)共聚物和三聚物的形态特性和力学性能。 Morphology characteristics and mechanical properties of a series of PS-PI multigraft copolymers and block-double-graft (BDG) copolymers and terpolymers were investigated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), and tensile testing.
- X射线衍射图 X-ray diffraction patterns
- 原位X射线衍射 In situ XRD
- 广角X射线衍射法 WAXD