- 基于IP的传输控制协议 Transmission Control Protocol based on IP
- IP电话(VoIP)技术包含的硬件和软件使用户可以使用基于IP的网络作为电话呼叫的传输介质。 Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is a technology that contains hardware and software that enables people to use an IP-based network as the transmission medium for telephone calls.
- 由于所有Internet信息流都是基于IP(Internet协议),故通过某个特定的TCP(传输控制协议)或UDP(用户数据报文协议)端口就可以识别每个应用程序或“数据包”。 Since all Internet traffic is based on IP (Internet Protocol), each application or "package" can be identified through a specific TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) or UDP (User Datagram Protocol) port.
- 因此,在使用基于IP的身份验证时,将使用连接的IP地址为未加密(TCP)连接提供身份验证机制。 Therefore, when you use IP-based authentication, the connecting IP address or addresses are used to provide authentication mechanism for unencrypted (TCP) connections.
- 传输控制协议利用再传输策略保证数据不会在传送中丢失。 TCP uses a retransmission strategy to insure that data will not be lost in transmission.
- 基于IP的3G服务质量控制及实现 QoS Control and Implementation in the IP-based 3G
- 在传输控制协议/互连网协议议定书并不正确安装或配置. The TCP/IP protocol is not installed or configured properly.
- 基于IP的语音 VoIP
- IPX报头中的传输控制字段保留何种信息)? The Transport Control field in the IPX header holds what information?
- 介绍LabWindows/CVI环境下,基于TCP/IP的设备实现多串口通讯的方法。 This paper introduces a way to implement serial communicaton between devices based on TCP/IP in LabWindows/CVI.
- 传输控制协议性能 TCP performance
- 基于Ip-Iq法谐波检测中数字低通滤波器的设计及其DSP实现 Design of digital low pass filter in harmonic detection based on Ip-Iq transformation and its implementation using DSP
- 数据报拥塞控制协议(DCCP)是IETF提出的一种新的传输层协议。 Datagram congestion control protocol(DCCP)is a new transport protocol put forward by IETF.
- 基于IP的传真技术 Fax Technology based on IP
- 基于IP的话音业务 VolP
- 传输控制协议数据段 TCPS Transmission Control Protocol Segments
- 基于IP的电视业务 IP-IV
- 快速传输控制协议 FAST - TCP
- 基于IP的城域网流媒体服务系统设计 Design of streaming media service system in the MAN based on IP network
- 然后,有一些传输控制协议/IP工具和能帮助你处理你的网络的配置。 Then, there are a number of TCP/IP tools and configurations that can help you manage your network.