- 反Ramsey数 anti-Ramsey number
- 经典Ramsey数 Ramsey number
- 用拼图法研究Ramsey数下界的一些注记 Some Notes on Lower Bound for Ramsey Numbers Using Patching Method
- 求Ramsey数下界的循环巧妙图搜索算法研究 On the Algorithm to Obtain Lower Bounds of Ramsey Numbers by Seeking out Skillful Cyclic Graphs
- 素数阶循环图和两个经典Ramsey数R(8,n)的新下界 Prime Order Cyclic Graph and New Lower Bounds of Two Classical Ramsey Numbers R(8,n)
- 反恐 anti-terrorism
- 简述Ramsey数下界研究的历史背景和主要困难,简介我们的理论和方法。 The authors give brief introduction to historical background and main difficulties on the lower bounds of Ramsey numbers, and ummarize theory and methods in the thesis.
- 辗转反侧 toss and turn restlessly (in bed)
- 模数 modulus
- 反病毒 anti-virus
- 中位数 median
- 农民们造贪官污吏的反。 The peasants rose in rebellion against the corrupt officials.
- 补数 complementary number
- 他深深地涉入了反毒品运动。 He was deeply involved with the anti-drugs crusade.
- 他们已反守为攻。 They had turned the tables on the attackers.
- 工数 number
- 枪放后向后反冲。 The gun recoiled after being fired.
- 码数 code number
- 他害人反害己。 The damage recoils on his own head.
- 张数 folio