- 双螺旋CT DSCT
- 双螺旋CT性能技术特性分析 To analyze performance and technical characteristic of HiSpeed Dual double helix CT
- 双 pair
- 耳部疾病的双螺旋CT评价 Double Helix CT Manifestation of Ear Diseases
- 胸腹部双螺旋CT扫描与临床应用 Double-Helix CT Scan Of Thoracicoabdominal Diseases And Its Clinical Application
- 双螺旋 duplex dna
- 多层螺旋CT三维肺血管重建在肺血管相关疾病中的临床应用 Clinical Application of Three-dimensional Reconstruction of Multi - slice Spiral CT in Pulmonary Vessels in Chest Diseases Related to Pulmonary Vessels
- 螺旋CT多平面,三维重建技术对骨盆创伤性病变的诊断价值 The Evaluation of Spiral CT MPR and SSD Techniques in the Diagnosis of Pelvic Trauma Lesions
- 双螺旋结构 double-spiral structure
- 单螺旋CT Single-slice CT
- 双螺旋齿轮 herringbone gear
- 多层螺旋CT同层动态扫描结合MPR技术诊断肝外胆管癌的研究 Multislice CT in-layer dynamic scan combined MPR technique for diagnosis of extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma
- 双螺旋模型 double helix model
- X线与螺旋CT X-ray and CT
- 同源双螺旋 homologous duplex
- 锥束螺旋CT cone-beam helical CT
- 脱氧核糖核酸双螺旋 deoxyribonucleic acid double helix
- 多层螺旋CT multi-slice spiral CT
- 阿尔茨海默病脑脊液磷酸化神经丝及双螺旋丝免疫活性。 The immunoreactivities of phosphorylated neurofilament and paired helical filament in CSF of Alzheimers disease.
- 16层螺旋CT 16-slice spiral CT