- 双令牌双环LAN Dual token ring LAN
- 为了发展综合业务局域网,本文在对局域网存取方式综述的基础上,提出了一种新的局域网介质存取方式:双令牌双环(即每个环各有一个令牌)的介质存取方式。 In order to develop the integrated services LAN, based on the summary of the accessmode of LAN, this thesis put forward a new medium access mode of LAN------DoubleToken and Double Loop that is each loop has its own token.
- 双令牌存取方式 Double token access mode
- 一种基于双令牌的蓝牙调度算法 A Bluetooth Scheduling Algorithm Based on Both Tokens
- 双环胺 bentyl; dicyclomine
- 圆环 traffic circle
- 半双工 semiduplex
- 那就对了,用双脚蹬得劲大些,你很快就能学会游泳的。 That's the ticket. Kick harder with your legs and you'll soon learn to swim.
- 双拼 Two bors d's oeuveres
- 双元音 diphthong
- (衣着的)脚部衣物的一部分,尤指裤子覆盖双腿的那一部分 The part of a garment, especially of a pair of trousers, that covers the leg.
- 双环胍 bicyclic guanidine
- 6个小时飞下来,我的双脚肿得非常厉害,连鞋也穿不上了。 At the end of the six-hour flight, I couldn't get my feet into my shoes as they had swollen so much.
- 母亲给她买了一双网球鞋。 Mother bought her a pair of tennis shoes.
- 比翼双飞 fly wing to wing
- 她一双眼睛闪烁着喜悦的光芒。 Her eyes twinkled with delight.
- 她丢掉了一双长统袜。 She has lost a pair of stockings.
- 双月 bimonthly
- 我买了一双结实的靴子。 I bought a pair of stout boots.
- 他的双颊红润。 His cheeks were ruddy.