- 偏序Banach空间 Partial ordering
- 序Banach空间 ordered Banach space
- 半序Banach空间 ordered Banach space
- 半序Banach空间中非光滑算子方程的Newton-Like迭代解 The Newton-Like It erative Solutions of Nonsmooth Operator Equations on Partially Ordered Banach Spaces
- 由对称矩阵的偏序关系引出的一个矩阵极值问题 A Matrix Extreme Value From the Semi-order of Symmetry Matrix
- 半序度量空间与半序Banach空间中一类算子方程的可解性 Solvability of a Class of Operator Equations in Partially Ordered Complete Metric Space and in Partially Ordered Banach Space
- 偏序 partial order
- 半序Banach代数 semi-ordered banach algebra
- 偏序集 partially ordered set
- 偏序粒 partial granulation
- 偏序类 partial order classification
- 强偏序 [计] strong partial order
- 偏序图 partial order graph
- 弱偏序 [计] weak partial order
- 自然偏序 natural partial ordering
- 完全偏序 complete partial order
- 偏序扩张 partially ordered extension
- R-偏序集 R-poset
- 偏序半群 partially ordered semigroup
- “偏序” "de - orderly"