- 传统GDP tradional GDP
- 人均GDP GDP per capita
- 年老的一辈尊重传统。 The older generation are respectful of tradition.
- 博物馆采用传统中国四合院的设计,揉合现代建筑方法和技巧。 It is being built by modern methods and techniques to a traditional Chinese courtyard design.
- 反传统的幽默 offbeat humor.
- GDP增长率 GDP growth rate
- 他们仍然继承着他们祖先的传统。 They still follow the tradition of their fathers.
- GDP Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
- 喜欢传统方式 to incline to traditional way
- GDP增幅 GDP growth
- (英国传统的)五大赛马 classic races
- GDP电耗 consumption of GDP
- 仲裁程序应符合传统的规章。 The arbitration proceeding will be carried out in compliance with the conventional rule.
- 现行GDP current GDP
- 要继承和发扬五四光荣传统。 We must carry down and develop May 4th glorious tradition.
- 绿色GDP green GDP
- 画中的睡莲没有任何传统的独特细节。 The nymph as do not contain any conventionally picturesque details.
- GDP增长 GDP growth
- 现在塑料已代替了许多传统材料。 Nowadays plastics have taken the place of many conventional materials.