- 介观阻尼RLC并联电路 mesoscopic parallel damped LC circuit
- 介观耗散RLC并联电路 mesoscopic dissipative parallel RLC circuit
- 介观阻尼并联LC电路 mesoscopic damped parallel LC circuit
- 量子单波函数描述的轻阻尼RLC回路的量子涨落 Quantum Fluctuation of RLC Circuit After Quantization Described by Single-wave Function
- 介观RLC电路量子涨落的讨论 Discussion of Mesoscopic RLC Circuit Quanta Fluctuation
- 阻尼 damping
- 表观 apparent
- 阻尼器 damper
- 道德观 moral outlook
- 含有超导约瑟夫森结介观互感电路的量子化及其量子效应 Quantization of mesoscopic mutual inductance coupling circuit with superconducting Josephson junctions and their quantum effects
- 察言观色 try to read somebody's face
- 爱情观 view on love
- RLC串联电路暂态过程临界阻尼电阻的测定 The measurement of the critical damp resistancein the transient process of RLC circuit in series
- 介观并联LC电路 mesoscopic parallel LC circuit
- 介观 mesoscopic
- 介观环 mesoscopic ring
- 有源介观RLC电路的量子波函数及其双波描述 Quantum wave function and double-wave description of mesoscopic RLC circuit with a power source
- 介观电路 mesoscopic circuit
- 介观系统 mesoscopic system
- 介观结构 mesoscopic structure