- 展销系列特色川菜、上海菜、东北菜。 Exhibition and promotion of Sichuan specials, Shanghai dish and North China cuisines.
- 菜 vegetables
- 餐厅以东北菜为特色,菜肴原料取材新鲜,蔬果菜绿色环保,汇集京、鲁、川、粤菜之精华,融合了满、朝、蒙、宫廷菜点的传统技术,聘请技法全面的优秀厨师营养调配色、香、味具全菜肴。 The cuisine is composed of Beijing, Shanghai, Sichuan and Guangdong food and royal styles of Manchu Race, Korean and Mongolian with Northeastern flavor its main flavor.
- 菜鸟 green hand
- 菜系 style of cooking
- 上菜 serving
- 路在这里转向东北。 At this point the road turns northeast.
- 特色菜 special
- 买菜 buy vegetables
- 菜心 heart of cabbage plants; heart
- 一道菜 course
- 开胃菜 starters
- 小菜一碟 a piece of cake
- 招牌菜 famous dish
- 菜式 cuisine
- 中国菜 Chinese dishes; Chinese cuisine
- 配菜 garden sauce
- 前菜 antipasto
- 拿手菜 specialty (dish)
- 椰菜 brocoli