- 万有引力常量 gravitational constant
- 万有引力常量G gravitational constant G
- 万有引力 gravity
- 万有引力定律 the law of gravity
- 你常量体重吗? Do you often weigh yourself?
- 反常量 anomalous quantity
- 牛顿的万有引力定律 Newton's law of gravity
- 常量钼 constants Mo
- 常量之一 Constants as in the following
- 玻尔的原子模型是太阳系的缩影,不过以电力替代万有引力。 A Bohr atom is a solar system in miniature, with electrical forces taking the place of gravitational forces.
- 七常量 Seven constants
- 牛顿第二定律及万有引力定律是根据实验结果总结出来的。 Newton's second law and the law of gravity are summarized with experimental results.
- 当给函数传递参数时,你要养成的良好习惯是传递常量引用。 Your normal habit when passing an argument to a function should be to pass by const reference.
- 万有引力之规律 the law of gravity
- 表达式是根据一系列函数、运算符或常量计算值的字段。 An expression is a field whose value is calculated based on a series of functions, operators, or constants.
- 万有引力场 gravitational field
- 象征常量 [计] figurative constant
- 万有引力的 gravitation
- 常量负担 normal load
- 牛顿万有引力定律 Newton's law of gravity