- 万东HMC-36小C HMC-36 C-ARM X-ray machine
- 万东香港有限公司 Meriton East HK Ltd
- 万 (surname)
- 从小 from childhood
- 万圣节 Hallowmas
- 最小的 lowest
- 您用于Microsoft Solution承载消息和协作(HMC)4.0。 You use Microsoft Solution for Hosted Messaging and Collaboration (HMC) version 4.0.
- c语言
- 万年 all ages
- 小二 young waiter in a wineshop or an inn
- 根冠细胞对HMC 毒素的这种反应与细胞质的抗病性相关 The results raised the possibility of high correlation between the responds of two kinds of detached root cap cells to HMC toxin and their disease resistance.
- 东路 East Road
- 变小 lessening
- 维生素C vitamin(e) C
- 在东 in the east of
- 从小到大 man and boy
- C语言程序设计 Programming in C
- 万维网 World Wide Web (WWW)
- 很小的 knee-high to a mosquito
- 东软 Neusoft