- 一体化Orbal氧化沟 Integrative orbal oxidation ditch
- Orbal氧化沟 Orbal oxidation ditch
- AIRE-O_2充氧机性能浅析与Orbal氧化沟流态测试及三维模拟 Brief Performance Analysis of AIRE-O_2 Aerator and Simulation and Test on 3-D Flow Field of Orbal Oxidation Ditch
- 针对该污水厂进水中工业废水所占比例较大的特点,经过对改良A2/O、Orbal氧化沟、CASS三方案的比选,最终推荐采用改良A2/O污水处理工艺方案。 Since the main part of influent water is industrial waste, wefinally recommend Modified A2/O process after comparing three schemes, includingModified A2/O, Orbal oxidation ditch and CASS.
- 机电一体化 electromechanical integration
- 二氧化钛 titanium dioxide
- 乳沟 cleavage
- 氢氧化钾 potassium hydroxide
- 沟道 groove
- 通过理论分析和实例可以得出结论:BOT模式引入城市污水处理行业是可行的,可以加快我国城市污水处理步伐; 城市污水处理工艺可以以ORBAL氧化沟工艺为主,多种工艺相结合的方式; By the analysis and discussion of practical example, the results show that it is feasible to introduce the BOT mode into the industry of urban sewage treatment, which will quicken the step of urban sewage treatment in our country.
- 一体化氧化沟 integrated oxidation ditch
- 一体化氧化沟工艺 integrated oxidation ditch
- 氧化沟法 aerated pond
- DE氧化沟 DE oxidation ditch
- AAC氧化沟 oxidation ditch
- 生物氧化沟 bio-oxidation channel
- 接触氧化沟 contact oxidation ditch
- 改良氧化沟 modified oxidation ditch
- 微曝氧化沟 fine bubble aerated oxidation ditch
- DE型氧化沟 DE oxidation ditch