- 脏话骂人的话. bad language ;obscene or profane words used insultingly or to add emphasisswear-words
- 他喝醉时就满口脏话骂人了。 He became abusive when he was drunk.
- 骂人的话, 出口伤人 dyslogistic terms
- 电台把录音采访中骂人的话删去了。 The station bleeped out the expletives from the taped interview.
- 我不听这些骂人的话. I refused to listen to these scurrilities.
- 狄克逊感到无话可说,同时意识到那个想骂人的念头是多么不切合实际。 Left with nothing to say, Dixon realized how wild a notion the cockchafer speech had been
- 你要修改条款的话,你须得到此合同所有签名人的许可。 You have to get the permission of all the signatory to the agreement If you want to change the term .
- 如果我在看比赛过程中骂人了,说脏话了,请原谅我,提前说一声。 If I swear during the soccer game, please pardon my French in advance.
- 嘲笑挖苦人的话 A derisive remark.
- 骂人的话 bad language
- 正当玛丽正咬牙切齿地不断骂人时,她忽然听到妈妈和别人一起来到游廊上的声音。 She was grinding her teeth and saying this over and over again when she heard her mother come out on the veranda with some one.
- 从某人的话中得到安慰 to take/draw comfort from sb's words
- 我认为他是一头猪,饶恕我的骂人脏话。 I think he's a pig. Pardon my French.
- 骂人的语言、 话等 abusive language, remarks, etc
- 他们两人的话大致一样。 They both said much the same thing.
- 旨在伤人或刺激人的话 Remark intended to wound or stimulate
- 骂人的语言﹑ 话等 abusive language, remarks, etc
- 骂人话 warm language
- 人们的咳嗽声使演讲人的话不能听到。 The coughs of the people made it impossible to hear the speaker.
- 说话下流的用骂人的或下流的语言的 Using abusive or obscene language.