- "大多数人不是爱这样的聚会就是爱那样的聚会。" "噢,我可是对任何聚会都讨厌极了。" "Most people favour one or the other party." "Well, I wouldn't be seen dead in a ditch with either of them."
- 师父的伟大,正在于她总会注意到一些微细的角落,永远时时刻刻都对周遭万物给予爱与关怀。 The greatness of Master lies in Her constant observation of such seemingly insignificant details, and in Her infinite grace, love, and concern for all the beings around Her.
- 如果我们草率地选择妻子,我们未来的生活将是痛苦的。 If we choose our wives carelessly,our future lives will be miserable.
- 世上能学到的最珍贵的本领,其实只是爱别人和被爱。 The greatest thing, you'll ever learn, is just to love and being loved, in return.
- 如果不能和平解决,只有用武力解决,这对各方都是不利的。 If the problem cannot be solved by peaceful means,then it must be solved by force. Neither side would benefit from that.
- 在伦敦经营的银行,不都是大部分资产与负债均采用英镑以外的货币吗? The great majority of the assets and liabilities of the banks operating in the City of London are not denominated in sterling.
- 持续不断的感觉痛苦的感情。 sustained dull painful emotion.
- 地球上被成就过的伟大事业都是一点一点积累起来的。 The greatest things ever done on earth have been done little by little.
- 爱探闲事 take an interest in other people's business; like to poke one's nose into other people's affairs
- "总统向人显示:他能与一意孤行的死硬派表现强硬作风,"... "The President showed he can play hardball with the hardnosed hard-liners, "...
- "万物协调为那些崇爱上帝的人造福。" "All things work together for good to them that love God."
- 主动求婚[爱] take the initiative in courtship
- 15可被3和5除尽 15 is divisible by 3 and 5.
- 敬老爱幼的代价 The growing burden of a labour of love
- 可解方程的群都是交换群。 The groups of the solvable equations are commutative.
- 援助在允诺的日子里没有到,这使我们很不愉快,像被遗弃了一样。 The aid did not arrive on the promised date giving us the unpleasant feeling of having been run out on.
- 还有更痛苦的惩罚是母校因任何理由关闭了,校友欲哭无泪,孩子欲读无门,只能怨叹遇“校”不淑,误了孩子的机会。 Even more hurt and grieved are those old boys and girls whose mother schools were closed down for whatever reasons. As former students, they have nowhere to attach their memory; as parents, they can find no schools that would accept their children on preferential terms.Perhaps, if anything, they could only curse their stars for having attended a school doomed to closure, a sad fact now putting their children at a disadvantage.
- 生活的最大悲剧不在于死去,而在于不再去爱。 The great tragedy of life is not the men perish, but that they cease to love.
- 在火热的夏天,地上都是裂缝。 The ground was full of cracks in the hot summer.
- 采空区上的大型水泥生产线工程地基与基础治理技术分析 The greta cement productive line project base in goaf and its treatment analysis