- 正义将给我自由. Righteousness will set me free.
- 并且你将给我所生的儿女焚献给他。 And you took your sons and daughters whom you bore to me and sacrificed them as food to the idols. Was your prostitution not enough?
- 毫无否定疑问,正义将取得胜利 There is no doubt but right will prevail.
- 我借给她一些面包,明天她将给我带更多的面包来。 I lent her some bread; she'll bring me some more tomorrow.
- 无庸置疑地,正义将会获胜。 There is no doubt but right will prevail.
- 给我空气我要呼吸给我味道多么甜蜜滋养我体内的一部分空间只要释放我,只要让我自由只要自由 Give me the air that I breathe Give me the taste that is sweet Feeding a space that's in me Just free me, just free me, just free
- 毫无否定疑问,正义将取得胜利 There is no doubt but right will prevail.
- 我朋友将给我当翻译。 My friend will translate for me.
- 如果没有书籍,上帝会沉默,正义将消失,科学裹足,哲学残缺,语言枯燥,万物笼罩在黑暗之中。 Without books, God is silent, justice dormant, natural science at a stand, philosophy lame, letters dumb, and all things involved in darkness.
- 但是你、你用潮水将我淹没,让我自由吧 But you, you turn the tide wash over me, come set me free
- 他将给我做个风筝。 He'll make a kite for me.
- 我想让你们毫无疑虑地明白在我任总统期间,无论涉及到谁,正义将得到公正地、完全地、客观地伸张。 I want you to know beyond the shadow of a doubt that during my term as President, justice will be pursued fairly, fully and impartially, no matter who is involved.
- 新建成的医院将给全城带来莫大好处。 The new hospital will be a great benefit to the town.
- 这个战争将给经济带来什么影响? What repercussions will the war have on the economy?
- 她酗酒将给她无辜的孩子带来疯癫的灾祸。 Her intemperance will entail the curse of insanity upon her innocent children.
- 我将把我的选票投给我所相信的人。 I'll give my vote to the man in whom I have faith.
- 我将给你弄点吃的。 I'll get you something to eat.
- 公司将给你报销旅费。 The company will remunerate you for your travelling expenses.
- 一位年轻的中国人将他的自行车借给我。 A young Chinese lent me his bicycle.
- 这件大衣将是给我母亲的一件理想礼物。 This coat will make a good present for my mother.