- 来源可靠的证据. Evidence from an unimpeachable source
- 我有来源可靠的消息。 I have the news from a reliable source.
- 非正式用语。指收入来源可靠的生意。 An informal term for a business with a dependable source of income.
- 来源可靠的消息 straight tip
- 证据 proof
- 这条消息来源可靠。 The news comes from a reliablesource.
- 大量可靠的证据证明 Mountain of reliable evidence proves
- 来源可靠 from the horse's mouth
- 不可靠的 irresponsible
- 我们的消息来源可靠。 Our information comes from a reliable source.
- 我最后得到的结论是,正常而可靠的五脏六腑较诸任何分量的脑子对人更为重要。 I have finally come to conclusion that a good reliable set of bowels are worth more to a man than any quantity of brain.
- 有良好信用的人,有支付能力的人被认为是在还债方面守信或可靠的人 A person considered with regard to his or her credit or reliability in discharging debts.
- 起诉方竭力表明司机的证据是不可靠的。 The prosecution tried to show that the driver's evidence is unreliable.
- 目击者的证据并非绝对可靠 Reliability of Eyewitness Evidence Never Absolute
- 我有来源可靠的消息:琼斯股份有限公司一年来效益很好,困此现在在他们公布数字前最好买进一部分股票。 I have it straight from the horse's mouth that Jones Incorporated have had a very good year and now is the time to buy some of their shares before the figures are announced.
- UNSCOM也得到了可靠的证据伊拉克已经生产了VX并已放入可运载的武器。 UNSCOM also gained forensic evidence that Iraq had produced VX and put it into weapons for delivery.
- 警方必须善于获得完善可靠、客观确凿的证据。 The police would have to do better at developing good, hard, objective physical evidence.
- 那个看管仓库的人是很可靠的。 The caretaker of the warehouse was trustworthy.
- 但她说没有可靠的证据说明积极心态可以单独直接影响肿瘤生长。 But she says there is no credible evidence that positive thinking alone directly influences tumor growth.
- 他是一个稳重可靠的人。 He is a man of stable character.