- 排成三角形的长凳. Benches arranged in a triangle
- 罩在头部和系在下颔部的通常叠成三角形的围巾 Headscarf a kerchief worn over the head and tied under the chin
- 成 succeed
- 排 a platoon
- 把餐巾摺成三角形 fold the napkin into a triangle
- 在实验室的长凳上有一个玻璃容器,从中发出微弱柔和的光。 On the laboratory bench was a glass container from which came a tiny soft light.
- 这些三角形的一边会排成一条共同的直线。 Then one side of each of these triangles is brought into a common alignment.
- 这块地略成三角形。 It's more or less triangular plot of land.
- 乘客带著椅子步行到跑道,然后排成像飞机外形的队伍。 All the passengers carry their seats out onto the tarmac, placing the chairs in the outline of a plane.
- 你经常会碰到成双成对的男女坐在大树底下的长凳上搂搂抱抱地谈情说爱。 Every now and then you come across several couples siting on benches under trees spooning.
- 衬料一种三角形的插入物,在衣服的缝合处,为加固或加大衣服而用 A triangular insert, as in the seam of a garment, for added strength or expansion.
- 样板的曲度要求把皮革剪成三角形。 The curvature of the board requires the leather to be cut into panels.
- 过去这路边破败的房子排成行。 The shabby houses used to range along the road.
- 用布做的尿布可以叠成三角形或长方形。 Cloth diaper may be folded in a triangle or a rectangle.
- 男孩们排成一行。 The boys formed a line.
- 婆婆头巾妇女的头巾,折成三角形系在下巴下 A woman's head scarf, folded triangularly and worn tied under the chin.
- 士兵们排成很直的行列。 The troops were in perfect alignment.
- 加泰隆数还数计有多少方式来将多边形用不相交的对角线划分成三角形。 The Catalan numbers also count the number of ways in which an n-gon can be dissected into triangles by nonintersecting diagonals
- 这些房子沿着大街排成一行。 These houses were strung along the thoroughfare.
- 部队只得排成单列通过关口。 The troops had to defile through the pass.