- 我们是远亲. We're distantly related.
- 我们是远亲。 We're distantly related.
- 那两人是远亲。 Those two people are distantly related.
- 猫和老虎是远亲。 The cat isdistantly related tothe tiger.
- 去年旅行我们是沿着南美洲航行的。 We coasted South America on our trip last year.
- 他与这家人仅仅是远亲。 He is only distantly connected with the family.
- 他和我是远亲关系。 He is distantly related to me.
- 他声称自己与英国王室是远亲。 He claims to be distantly related to the British royal family.
- 我们是用分期付款的方式买下来的。 We got it on hp.
- 承认这种特点,对于我们是有利益的。 It is to our advantage to recognize this characteristic.
- 我们是站在无产阶级的和人民大众的立场。 Our stand is that of the proletariat and of the masses.
- 我们是根据他前雇主介绍委派他的。 We appointed him on the recommendation of his former employer.
- 我们是通过前世回忆而体会到这些概念的。 We become aware of these ideas through recollection or anamnesis.
- 我无法向你表达出我们是多么地感激。 I cannot express to you how grateful we are.
- 他们试验失败对我们是个前车之鉴。 The failure of their experiment should be a warning to us.
- 我们是戴维斯事务所派来搞测绘的。 We're out of Davis's office, just surveying.
- 我们是不是该订两张星期四去北京的机票? Shall we make two reservations to Beijing for Thursday?
- 我们是最低纲领与最高纲领的统一论者。 We believe in the unity of the minimum and maximum programs.
- 当我们是大为谦卑的时候,便是我们最接近伟大的时候。 We come nearest to the great when we are great in humility.
- 我们是马克思主义的历史主义者,我们不应当割断历史。 we are Marxist in our historical approach and must not lop off our history.