- 她请求单独与他见面. She asked to see him in private
- 她请求单独与他见面。 She asked to see him in private.
- 她要求单独与他见面。 She asked to see him in private.
- 请求 request
- 前一阵子与他见面,他苦笑说,“家里有老婆孩子,不工作怎行? When I bumped into him not too long ago,he told me sheepishly that he had to work to support his parents,wife and children.
- 不过,看见你亲爱的妹妹,确实叫我害怕。而我单独与她见面,更是火上添油。 The sight of your dear sister, however, was really dreadful; and to heighten the matter, I found her alone.
- "别跟我来那一套!你知道他为什么做那件事。是因为她太罗嗦。" "Don't give me that! You know why he did it. She nagged him."
- 这一行动与他以往的态度大相径庭。 This action is greatly at odds with his previous attitude.
- 单独与某人比赛 enter singly into a contest with sb.
- 她请求帮助。 She pleaded for help.
- IBA和MET单独与配合使用对木薯产量和淀粉含量的影响 Effects of the single and cooperative application of IBA and MET on the yield and starch content of cassava
- 她请求原谅。 She pleads for forgiveness.
- "这份工作与他能力相称,所以他很满意。" He was satisfied with the job commensurate with his abilities.
- 她请求帮助,却无人理睬。 Her request for help went unheard.
- 他新出的这部小说与他以前的不同。 His new novel is unlike all his previous ones.
- 她请求帮助她工作。 She entreated help in her work.
- 在比赛中他被安排跟一个几乎与他势均力敌的人做对手。 In the contest he was paired up with an opponent about his equal.
- 她请求我开车送她回家。 She asked (me) if I would drive her home.
- 他勃然大怒,用目光盯着我使我不敢与他对视。 He fell into a rage and stared me down.
- 她请求给点水。 She made a request for some water.