- 从隋朝延续到清朝. from the Sui Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty.
- 从隋朝到清朝。 From the Sui Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty.
- 试从隋朝人名看隋朝文化思想 A View on the Culture and Ideology from the Names in the Sui Dynasty
- 展览的文物有从新石器石时代到清朝的出土文物及皇室收藏品。 It exhibits the unearthed relics and the royal collections from the New Stone Age to the Qing Dynasy.
- 延续 continue
- 语法课延续到下个学期。 The grammar lectures spread over into the next term.
- 清朝 Qing dynasty
- 从那时起 from then on
- 严寒的天气已延续到春天很久。 The cold weather has reached well into the spring.
- 从根本上 fundamentally
- 从去年 since last year
- 它可延续到后面的行内。 It can continue on subsequent lines.
- 这项习俗一直延续到今天。 This custom continues down to the present day.
- 从她对病人的深切关怀,我学到很多东西。 I have learnt much from her deep concern for her patients.
- 从下到上 from the bottom up
- 这可能要延续到星期五. It maylast till Friday.
- 从开始到结束 through
- 潮湿阴雨的天气延续到九月份。 The wet weather extended into September.
- 汽车把外宾从机场送到宾馆。 The foreign guests were motored from the airfield to the guest house.
- 她儿子从一年级跳到三年级。 Her son skipped the second grade.