- with pictures by Milo Mottola. 作者声明: by Hal Foster ;
- The hall was hung with pictures by workers. 大厅里挂着工人创作的画。
- The room was decorated with pictures of vaudeville celebrities. 这个房间有轻歌舞剧明星的照片装饰。
- She bent one knee in the female pose common to the Venus de Milo and some pictures by Rabinovitz. 她微微屈一下膝,这个柔美的姿势在米洛的维纳斯雕像和拉宾诺维茨创造的一些像中是常见的。
- He plastered his room with pictures of actors and actresses. 他在他房间里贴满了男女演员的照片。
- The parlour is set out with pictures. 客厅用画装饰起来。
- They receive television pictures by satellite. 他们通过人造卫星接收电视图像。
- The teacher illustrates his lesson with pictures. 这个老师用图画讲课。
- You can take pictures by pressing the shutter. 按下快门,你就可以照相了。
- Story and Pictures by Maurice Sendak. 人都有情绪,特别是当负...
- The walls were covered with pictures. 这些墙上挂满了画。
- Pictures by kind permission of Jake Lyall. 图片由实物许可杰克lyall 。
- The walls were hung with pictures. 墙上挂着许多画。
- Taylor ;pictures by Jerry Pinkney. 作者声明: by Mildred D.
- The parlor is set out with pictures. 客厅里摆设了几幅画。
- The teacher illustrated his lesson with pictures. 这位教师用图片来讲解课文。
- Compiling HTML e-mail with pictures by Delphi 用Delphi编写带图片的HTML电子邮件
- He plastered his room with picture of actor and actress. 他在他房间里贴满了男女演员的照片。
- The wall was set out with pictures. 墙上装饰着图画。
- The walls were hung with pictures . 墙上挂着许多画。