- It mainly attacks Picea jezoensis and causes a white rot of root and butt. 该病主要发生于成熟林分,造成干基特别是根部腐朽。
- Both species occured on rotten angiosperm wood,and caused a white rot. 这两种木材腐朽菌均生长在阔叶树腐朽木上,造成木材白色腐朽。
- A research is conducted for the biodegradation of metal complex dyes(MCD) by white rot fungi(WRF). 针对白腐菌的特性和独特的降解机理 ;用Coriolusversicolor和Panusconchatus两种典型白腐菌降解金属络合染料 .
- The expense of using white rot fungus to treat DDNP wastewater is cheap and the management is easy. 二硝基重氮酚(DDNP)是国内工业雷管应用最普遍的起爆药,白腐真菌生化法处理二硝基重氮酚废水的费用低廉,运行管理较方便。
- During the period of culture,white rot fungus bloomed more flourishingly in the medium containing xylans. 在培养的过程中,加入木聚糖的白腐菌的生长明显优于空白对照样,白色的菌丝较早地覆盖在处理样品的表面;
- The mechanism on alkaline pulp black liquor was degraded by acid-producing white rot fungus was studied. 在复杂的黑液污染体系内,探索了产酸白腐菌处理碱性造纸黑液的机制。
- Using white rot fungus to decolorizeand degrade dyestuff is viewed an economical and efficient method of eliminating these pollutants. 利用白腐菌进行染料的脱色和降解被认为是去除这些污染物的经济有效的方法。
- Study on the effect of biodegradation of pulp black liquor by white rot fungi,which is good at decompounding lignin,and its characteristics,was done. 就具有较强木质素降解能力的白腐菌对造纸废水的降解效果及条件进行了初步研究。
- A white rot fungus biomembrane reactor system was set up,and the optimal operation parameters of the reactor system were ascertained. 建立了白腐真菌生物膜反应器,并对其运行参数进行了调试优化。
- The mycoderma produced by a white rot fungi was added into the oil culture,which had been treated by the above three strains. 为进一步降低残留的石油含量,引入了1株白腐真菌进行后期处理,使得水相中石油含量降低,颜色明显变浅。
- This organism is termed a 'white rot fungus' because of its ability to degrade lignin, a randomly linked phenylpropane-based polymeric component of wood. 因为它能降解木质素(一种随机联结的苯丙烷基聚合的木质成分)而被称作“白色腐败真菌”。
- The changes in chemical structure of residual lignin in reed kraft pulp after treatment with a white rot fungus,Panus conchatus have been investigated in the present paper. 从元素组成,功能基含量,结构单元三种基团的比例和分子量及其分布等方面研究了生物降解纤维素酶苇浆残余木素的性质。
- This paper sets up reactive model of drgradation and deduces the degradative parameter epuation on dht basic of biodegradation on papermaking waste water by white rot fungi. 在白腐真菌降解造纸废水的基础上,建立降解反应模型并推导出降解参数方程,并对其进行分析。
- The treatment of Masson Pine with white rot fungus was studied and the degradation of lignin and dichloromethane (DCM) extractives in short period was reported in this work. 使用白腐菌处理马尾松木片,对处理后木素和DCM抽提物的降解情况进行了研究。
- The results showed that supplement of inducer could effectively increase the enzyme activity of white rot fungi and improve the biodegradation efficiency. 结果发现,某些诱导剂的添加可有效地提高白腐真菌的酶活性,进而提高白腐真菌的降解效果。
- The dosage of additional inorganic salt didn't affect the degradation ability of white rot fungus to lignin, but had some effect on the DCM extractives. 外源无机盐用量对白腐菌降解木素能力影响不大,但对DCM抽提物影响较大,相同培养时间在试验条件下去除率最大相差2%25左右。
- The effect of additional inorganic salt dosage is not significant for the lignin degradation ability of white rot fungus, but relatively obvious to the DCM extractive removal. 外源无机盐用量对白腐菌降解木素能力影响不大,但对DCM抽提物影响较大,在实验条件下,相同培养时间内的去除率相差2%25左右。
- Limited numbers of bacteria and white rot fungi are found be able to co-metabolize PAHs with four or more fused aromatic rings, provided that another carbon source is present. 而大多数细菌和真菌对四环或四环以上的多环芳烃的降解作用一般以共代谢方式开始。
- The rate of degradation and absolute degradation of environmental pollutants in different concentrations by using white rot fungus Coriolus versicolor were studied. 采用三角瓶降解体系,进行了杂色云芝对不同浓度下的几种环境污染物的降解率和绝对降解量的研究。