- water service pipe 给水管
- There is a 24-hour hot water service. 这里热水24小时服务。
- Water service faucets are deck-mounted types and shall be hot cold mixture. 水龙头为桌面安装型,冷、热水混合型。
- The paper introduces the renewal project of service pipe of Luanda,and designs and constructs the system in reason. 介绍了安哥拉首都罗安达市的给水管道更新工程,合理地进行了给水工程的设计和施工。
- Rubber-coated solid wedge (resilient wedge) has become popular in fire protection and municipal cold water service. 橡胶涂层实心楔板(弹性楔板)在消防系统和市政冷水管道系统中应用越来越流行。
- All other service piping and equipment were essentially intact. 其余各供水管及设备基本上安然无恙。
- Designed to retrofit backflow protection onto fire hydrants used for temporary water service. 适用于用在临时性水应用的消防栓上的防回流阀的更新改造。
- All the plastics pipe system is a good example of the latter. This uses a plastic service pipe instead of the usual steel or copper pipe. 后者的最好例子是所有管路系统采用塑料管,用塑料管来代替通常用的钢管和铜管。
- With National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) listing, it is ideal for potable water service. 这种蝶阀已通过美国卫生基金会的认证,特别适用于饮用水应用。
- To construct and operate two salt water service reservoirs within an underground rock cavern. 于地下石洞内建造及营办两个海水配水库。
- The pressure assist tank make use of service pipe net self's pressure cleverly, to compress the air accumulated in the tank , formating gigantic potential energy. 助压水罐巧妙的利用自来水管网自身的压力,对水罐内存空气压缩,形成巨大的势能,在冲洗时产生强劲射流。
- I want to pass on to the children of today, who will be the leaders of tomorrow, a water service legacy that Japan can be proud of. 今天的孩子们就是明天的领导者。我希望他们能够继承日本引以自豪的水道文化。
- The hot and cold water pipes at the lobby outside the main kitchen on basement 3 are not riveted by supporting frames but just tied up to the fire service pipes. 东座-3层主厨房伸缩水管旁没有排水沟,会导致地面上积水无法排出。主厨房洗手盆处应设计排水沟,以便于地面上积水的排出
- The pipe burst and a spout of water shoot out. 水管破裂了,一股水喷了出来。
- NOTE: The water tank is pressurized by air from the pneumatic manifold or an different pressure source connected to the air valve on the water service panel. 注:水箱由来自气源总管的空气增压,或由连接到水勤务面板上的空气活门的不同压力源提供。
- The 2300 Direct Operated Reducing Valve is designed for deadend water service where the flow is intermittent and changes rapidly, as on domestic water systems. 系列2300直接操作减压阀适用于室内水系统流量有间歇性变化和变化迅速的终端水应用场合。
- A free flow of water came from the pipe. 水从管道里通畅地流了出来。
- Gushes of water sprayed out of the pipe. 好几股水流从管子里喷出来。
- Shenzhen Water (Group) Co., Ltd. (SZWG) is a large comprehensive water service provider principally owned by the State-owned Asset Supervision and Administration Commission. 深圳市水务(集团)有限公司(以下简称深圳水务集团)是深圳市国有资产管理委员会控股经营的大型综合水务服务商。
- Water is spouting out of the pipe. 水正从管子里喷出来。