- Effective warm up exercises for Golf. 打球前有效的热身练习。
- I never bother to do warm up exercises. 我向来懒得做热身运动。
- All workshops will consist of warm up exercises, a set of kriyas (specific exercises for each chakra), deep relaxation, mediation and mantras. 所有的培训班都包括热身运动、一套洁净术(每个脉轮都有特定的练习)、放松术、冥想和唱颂。
- A transistorize radio takes no time to warm up. 晶体管收音机不需要预热时间。
- This indoor class begins with some basic warm up exercises, to get your muscles ready followed by a series of callisthenic exercises that help to build strength in all major groups of your body. 在室内简单的暖身运动后,透过团体运动的帮助来使肌肉关节柔软,促进身体健康。
- A: It's important to warm up before exercise. 在锻炼前做热身活动是很重要的。
- The singers are warming up before the concert. 歌唱家们正在为开音乐会作准备。
- Let's warm up the car engine a bit before we start. 让我们在出发前先把汽车引擎启动一下。
- Please warm up this milk over the stove. 请把这杯牛奶放在炉子上热一热。
- The weather was warming up and the sap was rising in the maples. 天气在转暖,槭树的树液在上升。
- The German coach has one of his substitutes warming up on the touch-line now. 德国教练现在正让一个替换队员在边线旁做准备活动。
- If you don't warm up before taking exercise, you risk injuring yourself. 假如运动前不做准备活动,你就有受伤的危险。
- An area where relief pitchers warm up during a game. 球员区一场比赛中候补队员活动的区域
- warm up exercise 暖身的运动;准备动作
- The climate of that area has been warming up. 那个地区的气候在变暖。
- The athletes are warming up before the game. 运动员正在进行赛前热身。
- No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't warm up to that proposal. 无论他怎样努力,还是对那项计划热心不起来。
- The act or procedure of warming up. 加热使温暖的行为或过程
- The soup is warming up on the stove. 汤正在炉子上热着。
- Joe, both Farnsy and Joba were warming up. 为何放肆火和张伯伦一起热身?