- viral oncolysate vaccines 病毒感染和肿瘤细胞裂解物疫苗
- The study of viruses and viral diseases. 病毒学一种病毒和病毒性疾病的研究
- Pertussis vaccines -- are they safe and effective? 百日咳菌苗-它们是安全与有效的?
- Viral hepatitis leads to liver cell destruction. 病毒性肝炎导致肝细胞破坏。
- Vaccines also induce cellmediated immunity. 疫苗也引起细胞介导免疫。
- A viral illness left her barely able to walk. 一场病毒引起的疾病使她走路都十分困难。
- Cancer Vaccines Fantasy or Future? 癌症疫苗研发的最新状况?
- How Do Vaccines Reach the Developing World? 发展报告?
- Which of the following is not a viral infection? 下列哪一种性传播疾病不是病毒感染?
- Best counter- viral open source code. 最好的反病毒开放源代码。
- Rabies vaccines -- are they safe and effective? 狂犬病疫苗-它们是安全与有效的?
- Viral diseases Diseases caused by viruses. 病毒性疾病:病毒造成的疾
- Vaccines are specific for each animal. 疫苗是特殊的对于每一人动物。
- CINs are highly influenced by HR-HPV viral load. 子宫颈HR-HPV病毒载量是影响子宫颈癌前病变的重要危险因素。
- The supply of vaccines will be woefully inadequate. 疫苗供给惊人地不足。
- He is suffering from viral meningitis. 他患病毒性脑膜炎。
- The GAVI Alliance paid for the vaccines. GAVI联盟疫苗接种提供资助。
- Would his viral creatures invent multicellularity? 他的病毒造物会创造出多细胞造物吗?
- The GAVI a Alliance paid for the vaccines. GAVI联盟支付了疫苗费用。
- The most common viral agent is Coxsackie B. 最常用的病毒是柯萨奇病毒B。