- vibrational entropy 振动熵
- The entropy density is constant ahead of the shock. 冲击波前方的熵密度是恒定的。
- Without change in entropy;at constant entropy. 等熵的没有熵的变化的;恒熵的
- The mechanics of entropy are a matter of chance. 熵的构成是一个机遇问题。
- In the business world, entropy rules. 在商业世界中,无序状态主宰一切。
- Entropy is chaos. It is loss of purpose. 熵就是混乱,熵就是目的的丧失。
- Entropy is not inevitable everywhere, however. 但是,熵并不是无法避免的。
- That's why entropy is depressing. 这就是为什么熵让人灰心丧气的原因。
- Shanghai Group Entropy IT Co. Ltd. 版权保留。上海群熵信息技术有限公司。
- Entropy is actually a measure of disorder. “熵”是一个针对混乱程度的度量数值。
- Without change in entropy; at constant entropy. 等熵的没有熵的变化的;恒熵的
- Blear image has lower entropy value. 较模糊的影像拥有较低的熵值。
- Vibrational modes of the qing resemble those of a bell. 磬的振动模态与钟类似。
- Thought form is a magnet for like vibrational entities. 思想形态对类似振动的实体来说是块磁铁。
- So much depends on Mother Earth and Her vibrational system. 有这麽多仰赖大地之母和她的震动的系统。
- The most profound exception to entropy is the creation of life. 意义最为深远的熵的例外是生命的创造。
- Mechanical propert ties.Longit tudinal and shear vibrat tion. 参考名称: Met thods of test ting plast tics.
- They can adopt conformations which lead to maximum entropy. 他们可以采取有最大熵值的构象。
- The second law only allows us to calculate changes in entropy. 第二定律只能让我们计算熵的改变量。