- Vector graphics system is an important component of GIS,and the focus of empoldering GIS. 矢量图形系统是GIS的重要组成部分,也是开发GIS的重点所在。
- Through the analysis of GIS technology , and the comparison of professional empolder tool and VC++, we decided to choose VC++ to explore vector graphics system for GIS. 通过对GIS技术的分析,还比较了专业开发工具和VC++等技术,我们决定选用VC++进行用于GIS的矢量图形系统的开发。
- interactive vector graphics system 交互式向量图解系统
- A 3D Interactive Graphic System on Machine Parts CAD. 机械零件CAD的三维交互绘图系统
- vector graphic system 矢量图形系统
- Metafiles are used primarily to transfer representations of vector graphic drawings through the clipboard. 元文件最初用于通过剪贴板传递矢量图形绘制的图像。
- Shanghai Goss Graphic Systems Co., Ltd. 上海高斯印刷设备有限公司。
- An online gallery of free vector graphics. 一个电子相册免费矢量图形。
- Drawing editors for PostScript, TeX, and web graphics. An embeddable and extendable vector graphic shell. 基于对象的适用于研究,教育和科学用途的绘图编辑器。可嵌入向量图形和脚本语言。
- color vector graphics system 彩色矢量绘图系统
- SVG was originally defined by W3C organization to cater for the fast development of Internet. It is a set of scalable vector graphic language descriptive code based on XML. SVG(Scalable Vector Graphics)是W3C组织为适应Internet应用飞速发展的需要而制定的一套基于 XML语言的可伸缩矢量图形语言描述规范。
- Aim at vector graphic data displaying in mobile GIS on PDA , this paper proposed a new sliced & classification data structure which is adapt to using on PDA. 本文针对PDA的特点,提出了数据分块加载,分级显示的数据结构模型,实验结果表明该数据模型能够显著的提高大数据量的矢量地图数据的显示速度,可用于PDA上矢量数据的快速显示。
- Lines and curves Lines are the foundation of any vector graphics drawing system. 直线和曲线-直线是任何向量图形绘制系统的基础。
- Company Introduction: MBO Binder Graphic System (Beijing) Co., Ltd. was established in February 2006 in Beijing.It is a wholly Germany-funded enterprise by MBO Binder GmbH &Co.KG. 公司简介:MBO印刷设备系统(北京)有限公司是德国MBO集团在华的全资子公司,于2006年2月在中国北京正式注册成立。
- Provides 73 free vector graphics presented and sorted by tags. 提供73个免费矢量图形,并提出按标记。
- SVG is a standard text-based graph description language.It is a key issue for the standardization of the dispatching automation system to implement SVG-based graphic system. 摘要可伸缩矢量图(SVG)是一种基于文本的标准图形描述语言,研究和建立一套基于SVG的图形系统是调度自动化系统图形信息共享和标准化的关键课题之一。
- SVG is a major breakthrough in bringing vector graphics to the Web. SVG为网上矢量图形带来重大突破。
- A place where you can upload and download free vector graphics. 在这里,您可以上传和下载免费的矢量图形。
- The portion of the Microsoft Windows XP operating system that provides two-dimensional vector graphics, imaging, and typography. Microsoft Windows XP操作系统中提供二维矢量图形、图像处理和版式的部分。
- The algorithm has been implemented on the UV68 microcomputer graphic system and Apollo DN3000 CAD workstation. Its complexity is proportional to with the number of edges of object. 本算法已在IJV68微机图形系统 和 Apollo DN3000 CAD工作站上实现,其算法复杂性正比于形体的边数。