- She felt uneasy and shuffled her feet. 她感到不自在,就把双脚在地上蹭来蹭去。
- I knew that he was uneasy and insecure. 我知道他忧心忡忡,生活也没有保障。
- He was uneasy and conscience-stricken. 他很不自在,良心很不安。
- And for now, they are both uneasy and unwilling to see him go. 眼下,他们既不安,又不愿看到他离去。
- And for now,they are both uneasy and unwilling to see him go. 眼下,他们既不安,又不愿看到他离去。
- The victim feels hot, dizzy, uneasy and even becomes unconscious. 患者感感到热、晕眩、不安宁、甚至不醒人事。
- Profound and anxious consultations had taken place at Washington. 在华盛顿进行了深入而又令人焦灼不安的商谈。
- He was really not so cunning as dull and anxious to get along. 他只是呆头呆脑,急想要混下去,实际上并不怎么狡猾。
- The division superintendent galloped past, perplexed and anxious. 分庄总管骑着马跑过,一副为难、焦急的样子。
- Did you feel overtired and anxious because of the heavy work? 您是否会因工作负担过重而感到心力交瘁?
- He was really not so cunning as dull and anxious to get along . 他只是呆头呆脑,急想要混下去,实际上并不怎么狡猾。
- Drug addicts become irritable and anxious when the body craves the drug. 当身体渴求毒品的时候,吸毒者就会变得易怒和焦虑。
- Uneasy and apprehensive about an uncertain event or matter; worried. 焦虑的,担心的对不确定事件或事情感到不安的及忧虑的;担心的
- The nurse shifted uneasily and hung his head. 那个护士局促不安地低下头去。
- I have been smoking to keep me from thinking about how lonely and anxious I am. 我一直抽烟,好使我不去想自己有多么孤独和焦虑。
- The pride of a warrior would not permit him to meet her fond and anxious looks. 战士的高傲心情不允许他迎视她那脉脉含情的关怀视线。
- Anxious or fearful about the future; uneasy. 担心的,忧虑的对未来焦虑或恐惧; 不安的
- You feel frustrated and anxious,which can induce a nail-biting frenzy. 妳感到灰心、焦虑,可能开始神经质的拼命咬指甲。
- Sleepless, as well as night and anxious to find, so that he tired You Nu. 一夜未眠,以及一夜的找寻和焦灼,使他又倦又怒。
- His criticisms always make people feel nervous and uneasy and also ashamed of themselves. 他的批评总是让人有芒刺在背、惭愧不安之感。