- unbiassed ratio estimator 无偏比估计量
- unbiassed ratio estimative 无偏比估计量
- In this paper, the bias of the ratio estimator and the estimateof mean square errors of this estimator with known numerator have been compared and discussed. 给出了分子已知情况下比率估计量的偏差和均方误差以及均方误差的估计,并对两类比率估计量进行了比较.
- Nonreponse is a common seen problem in sample surveys. This paper deal with a ratio estimator by use of double sampling when there exsits nonresponse. 无回答是在抽样调查中常遇到的问题,本文给出了如何用双重抽样来处理存在无回答时的比率估计量。
- The Ratio Estimator with Known Numerator 分子已知情况下的比率估计量
- My simple excel file can already manipulate the existing data to do HSF/HHF arbitrage, golden ratio estimation and much much more ‘functions’ if I want to. 幸而通道底部支持亦在上移中,限制了指数的再跌空间,令大市有机会于未来一、两个月内呈现反覆上升的走势。
- Secondly, this thesis compares the hedging effectiveness of two hedge ratio estimating methods, the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) and Error Correction Model (ECM). 第二,论文在理论上比较了最小二乘法(OLS)与误差修正模型(ECM)两种套期保值率估计方法下的套期保值效果。
- Bias of Approximate Mean Square Errors of the Ratio Estimator and Its Estimator 比率估计量均方误差的近似值及其估计量的偏差
- This paper discusses three methods for the signal-to-noise ratio estimation of seismic records,and they are SVD method,statistical averaging method and frequency-domain estimation method,respectively. 估算地震记录信噪比的三种方法有SVD法、统计平均分析法和频率域估算法。
- Implementation of the scheme has resolved the problems on difficult hydrogen nitrogen ratio estimation and difficult control, it has apparent economic and social benefit and worth extend. 该方案实施后,解决了操作人员在实际操作过程中对氢氮比判断难、控制难的问题,具有明显的经济、社会效益及推广价值。
- The ratio of students to teachers is 35:1. 学生和老师的比率是三十五比一。
- The ratio of schoolboys to schoolgirls is 2 to 1. 男学生和女学生的比例是2比1。
- An estimator is a random variable. 估计量是一个随机变量。
- Men outnumber women here in the ratio of three to one. 此地男子数量以三比一超过女子。
- The first or last term of a ratio or a series. 首项,末项比率或数列中第一个或最后一个项
- approximate variance of the ratio estimate 比率估计的近似方差
- The estimator can take various specific forms. 这种估计式可采用不同的具体形式。
- Ratio Estimate in Two-Stage Sampling 二阶比估计
- Ratio estimation of multi-phase sampling 多阶段抽样比率估计